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- I am CMG Paris Celeb! Put me on CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Electronic Billboard!
I am CMG Paris Celeb! Put me on CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Electronic Billboard!
CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Electronic Billboard in Times Square, New York City is an amazing tool to advertise yourself and your own brand worldwide! This is your ADVANCED TICKET for "I am CMG Paris Celeb! Put me on CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Electronic Billboard in Times Square, New York!"
ADVANCED EARLY BIRD TICKET will revert to REGULAR (or $900) on May 16, 2024!
PHOTOSHOOT DAY: October 6, 2024
WHERE: Pyramids of Louvre
Louvre Museum (Address: 75001 Paris, France)
WHO SHALL JOIN: All Interested Models, Accompanying Parties, Photographers, Designers, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, and Entertainers
DRESS CODE: Fashionable, easy to change, come with hair and makeup done!
Wear comfy shoes, we will walk as a group! Have your stylish high heels ready, you will change during the photoshoot! Cupani Fashion as well as CMG Paris Fashion Week Designers! It is highly recommended to wear beige and black body shaper (see CMG Exclusive Model Etiquette!) and your stylish high heels that you will wear, and possibly change during the photoshoots!
CMG Paris In-House photographers will eternalize the moment, take photos, and conduct interviews! Designers shall bring two-three (2-3) garments to dress Models!
Photos will be available for sale at "I am a CMG Paris Celeb!" Photo-Gallery!
Select your favorite photos directly from the photo-gallery, email printscreens of photos, and purchase your favorite five (5) photos (3 photos just for $10) directly from the gallery!
The Best One (1) Photo from all of your purchased photos will be selected by editors according to the ad specification! The Best One (1) Photo will be displayed on CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Electronic Billboard in Times Square of New York City!
Please note: If you wish two (2) photos to be displayed, you need to purchase two (2) tickets namely "I am a CMG Paris Celeb! Put me on CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks Electronic Billboard!" If you wish three (3) photos to be displayed, you need to purchase three (3) tickets. Your personal social media hashtag will be displayed on the billboard as well!
Your Times Square Ad Live stream/s and takeover billboard ad/s will be provided to you after been displayed and featured in Times Square, New York!
All of your purchased favorite photos will also be submitted to get published by Fashion Magazine/s including but not limited to Amazing (San Francisco, CA, USA). You will be also interviewed about your success from CMG Paris Fashion Week to CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Electronic Billboard displaying You in New York !
All participants will be promoted during the 2024-25 Fashion Season by CMG Worldwide Fashion Week. Your photos and videoclips will be used for the production of Breaking News Videos as well!
Purchased ticket(s) are final, non-negotiable, non-transferable, and non-refundable.
Image /video/ videoclips /Release Form -- Image/vidéo/clips vidéo/formulaire de décharge
I acknowledge that I am volunteering and participation at CMG Fashion Week in order to present my talents and get know in the field. I hereby authorize by Cupani Fashion LLC, hereafter referred to as “Company”, the Founder, its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties to publish photographs / videos taken by the Founder / Company and by The Accredited Photographer during The Show; Promotional Editorial Photoshoot or Promo Video and Photoshoot (including any preparatory work, models’ preparations, trainings, rehearsals, covers, associated press releases or publications by newspapers or magazines, flyers, ads, photographs, interviews, videos, event itself, and photo / video’s coverage after the event), for use in the Cupani Fashion's company or Other Fashion Magazine publications, including those that are printed, published online, or created in video form.
I attest that I have full authorization to consent to publishing these photos/ images or video. Further, I hereby release and hold harmless the Founder / Company from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the above-specified images or video.
I further acknowledge that that neither I, nor any other party who may share ownership of the property described above (whether in the past or in the future), will receive financial compensation of any type associated with the taking photos/videoclips or publication of these photographs/videoclips including those that are printed, published online, or created in video format, or participation in the Founder / Company publications. I acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos/videoclips confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever, and that participation is purely voluntary.
I attest that my / my guardian electronic signature via electronic submission (electronic signature, text message by phone or Facebook) is considered equivalent to my / my guardian physical signature. I hereby release the Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of marketing materials (photos/images or video or electronic ads or social media posts) from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my volunteering participation.
Je reconnais être bénévole et participer à la CMG Fashion Week afin de présenter mes talents et de me faire connaître sur le terrain. J'autorise par la présente Cupani Fashion LLC, ci-après dénommée "Société", le Fondateur, ses successeurs, héritiers, licenciés, producteurs, sous-traitants, employés et tout tiers à publier des photographies / vidéos prises par le Fondateur / Société et par L'Accrédité Photographe pendant The Show; Séance photo éditoriale promotionnelle ou vidéo promotionnelle et séance photo (y compris tout travail préparatoire, préparations des modèles, formations, répétitions, couvertures, communiqués de presse associés ou publications par des journaux ou magazines, dépliants, publicités, photographies, interviews, vidéos, événement lui-même et photo / couverture vidéo après l'événement), pour une utilisation dans la société Cupani Fashion ou dans d'autres publications de magazines de mode, y compris celles qui sont imprimées, publiées en ligne ou créées sous forme de vidéo.
J'atteste que je suis pleinement autorisé à consentir à la publication de ces photos/images ou vidéo. De plus, je libère et exonère par la présente le fondateur / la société de toute attente raisonnable de vie privée ou de confidentialité associée aux images ou vidéos spécifiées ci-dessus.
Je reconnais en outre que ni moi, ni aucune autre partie qui pourrait partager la propriété de la propriété décrite ci-dessus (que ce soit dans le passé ou dans le futur), ne recevra une compensation financière de quelque type que ce soit associée à la prise de photos/clips vidéo ou à la publication de ceux-ci. photographies/clips vidéo, y compris ceux qui sont imprimés, publiés en ligne ou créés au format vidéo, ou participation aux publications du Fondateur / Société. Je reconnais et j'accepte que la publication desdites photos/vidéoclips ne confère aucun droit de propriété ou de droits d'auteur, et que la participation est purement volontaire.
J'atteste que ma/mon signature électronique de tuteur par dépôt électronique (signature électronique, SMS par téléphone ou Facebook) est considérée comme équivalente à ma/mon signature physique de tuteur.
Je dégage par la présente le Fondateur / Société, ses successeurs, héritiers, licenciés, producteurs, sous-traitants, employés et tout tiers impliqué dans la création ou la publication de matériel marketing (photos/images ou vidéo ou publicités électroniques ou publications sur les réseaux sociaux) de toute responsabilité pour toute réclamation de ma part ou de celle d'un tiers en rapport avec ma participation bénévole.