Please note: Incomplete registration (missing registration or entry ticket) will not be considered nor answered. The official email confirmation will be issued upon complete application! ! All participants including family members tickets shall be obtained in advance at our STORE Submission via cellphone is very slow and can be easily interrupted because many applications are running on the background! Restart your cellphone / laptop and engage your application! Please fill out all fields of the Registration Form (shown below) marked with a red asterisk *, submit all required information, body measurements, photos, and a video-invite (size less than 20MB). Use NA (not applicable) if something does not apply to you. You shall receive a note from us "Your application has been successfully submitted" if your application went through. If you did not receive a note, restart your phone/laptop or scroll up and re-fill your application. Be sure to fill out all fields highlighted in red color and marked with a red asterisk!
Hairstylists, makeup artists, florists, boutiques, photographers, entertainers, beauticians, spa salons etc.
To be purchased till February 9,20 21
To be purchased on February 10,2021
- I agree to participate in the 2021-25 CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Season either New York & Paris Fashion Weeks RETREAT or CMG New York Fashion Week or CMG Dubai Fashion Week or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week or CMG London Fashion Week or CMG Paris Fashion Week or CMG Retreat, other scheduled preparatory meetings / fashion show/ scheduled promotional events and post-events organized by the Founder and Cupani Fashion LLC /Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) (“The Founder / Company”), its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties.
- I understand that amateur or professional participants (e.g. Designers, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers, Entertainers) looking to break into the glamorous world of modeling and fashion, New York & Paris Fashion Weeks RETREAT / CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week might be my chance of a lifetime!
The Producer/s will make the final decision regarding any production or operation of the event. The Producer/s reserve the right to amend or modify the schedule. Any person engaging in verbal (including but not limited to oral statements, text or email messages, social media postings) or physical abuse towards the Producer/s, CMG Judges, Participants, or Staff will be dismissed without delay from the event and or the scheduled promotional video- and photoshoots. Any physical or verbal altercation or abuse either prior to, during or following the fashion show or scheduled promotional events including photo- or videoshoots will result in the immediate dismissal of the parties involved regardless of any explanation given. In the unfortunate case, all abovementioned items #1-8 will be revoked from The Winner. The Winner will be required to repay all associated costs. Parties will be dismissed from either the fashion event or from the promotional events offered by CMG. CMG will not be held responsible for the loss, misplacement, theft, switching or damage of any appurtenances (e.g., personal belongings, equipment, tools, clothing, footwear, headwear) you will bring to the event. We do ask all participants to keep their valuables in a safe location. Any individual caught stealing personal items and or property will result in the dismissal from the event and escorted by security guards or law enforcement personnel. - The Participant is agreed to promote and acknowledge The Producer on our and his/her social media. All social media postings (personal website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap-shoot, etc.) taken behind the scenes at the event or the scheduled promotional photo- and videoshoots by the Founder / Company”), shall be tagged, hash-tagged, and acknowledged as follows:
Dr. Lacie Cupani, Producer
#luxury #Models #Modelscall #designers #Designerscall #hairstylists #MUA #photographers #cmgparisfashionweek #cmgdubaifashionweek #cmgnycfw #NYC #LosAngeles #Atlanta #Houston #Chicago #Montreal #Toronto #Paris #London #Tokyo #Moscow #Milan #Rome #Sydney #Berlin #parisfashionweek #NYCFW #londonfashionweek #milanfashionweek #sydneyfashionweek #dubaifashionweek - You will be noticed by our social media team /partners if you correctly tagged, hash-tagged, and acknowledged us as advised and shown above. Our social media team /partners will share your FB and IG posts and advertise and promote you again and again!
- Each participant (partner, individual or business) shall register as directed.
- The participant is responsible for transportation to RETREAT location and back to his/her point of origin. The participant is also responsible for procuring his/her own travel document (e.g., a valid passport or equivalent travel document, entry visa if applicable), meals, sightseeing gear, hotel stay, and transportation expenses during the entire trip (airport-city-airport shuttle, taxi, bus and subway).
- WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK? February 15 or according your own decision!
- WE WILL PROMOTE YOU AND YOUR BRAND / COMPANY/ BUSINESS! All publications and video productions will cover the following: 1) your experience and participation during CMG New York & Paris Fashion Weeks RETREAT; 2) your talents and artistry and your-interview/press-conference.
- All participating designers/artists will provide each participating model with 2021 Spring-Summer Collection’s garments for a photo- and videoshoot.
- PLEASE NOTE: Neither Cupani Fashion or CMG cannot be held liable for any travel delays, en route accidents, incidents, malfunctions, rebooking or cancellations of flights or rides due to inclement weather or strikes, erroneous GPS instructions, detours, tour cancellations, lost, misplaced, stolen, switched or damaged luggage, inclement weather (force majeure), striking workers, demonstrators, or rioters in NYC, USA or and its surrounding area.
- VIDEO AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Only authorized video and photography by registered media/press is allowed. Your promotional photo and videoshoot are designated for you and your brand portfolio, as well as for advertising you and your brand/company worldwide at the prospective CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks or events hosted by Cupani Fashion/CMG. Our partners include all registered including but not limited to Media/Press/Magazines; AMAZING Fashion Magazine (S-Francisco, USA), Duvall Productions (USA & France), Dragon Entertainment (NJ, USA) and Partners (Dubai, UAE). We will select the best photos for the editorials submission and publications considerations in the fashion magazines and on social media (11K followers/subscribers), as well as on website (over 76K followers/subscribers) and promote your brand worldwide!
- Participants' photos will be published by registered MEDIA/PRESS and available for purchase at the RETREAT photographers' photo gallery accessible at Any purchased photos will automatically enter the Photo-Contest! Winners will be invited to the CMG New York City Fashion Week, September 10-14, 2021 and CMG Paris Fashion Week, September 24-27, 2021 and promoted worldwide! Winners will be able to cast in Films offered by CMG Partners including but not limited Duvall Productions (France & USA) and Dragon Entertainment (NJ, USA) with Master Tyrone Bullock, Founder and CEO in US and Paris, France.
- CMG Judges (In Person and Online) will be scoring ALL IN-PERSON AND ONLINE MODELS (including all Child, Male and Female Model) with the highest scores. Within ten (10) days after the CMG RETREAT event, videos of IN-PERSON AND ONLINE MODELS will be posted on social media (CMG New York City Fashion Week and CMG Paris Fashion Week on Facebook and Instagram) and CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks YouTube.
Each Model is invited to engage his/her social media friends and followers (Facebook and Instagram) to vote as follow:
1) SUBSCRIBE CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks YouTube, watch and like the posted model’s video and 2) VOTE by purchasing a supporter's ticket for a model's video during the voting period.
THE FINALIST - OVERALL MODEL-WINNER is expected to earn highest score the 1) by The CMG Judges; 2) the most "LIKES" and 3) "TOTAL PURCHASED SUPPOTERS' TICKETS" for a model's video.
THE FINALIST/S - OVERALL MODEL-WINNER/S WILL BE ANNOUNCED in October! OVERALL MODEL-WINNER will receive MODEL 101 WINNER Award, Promotional Photoshoots, Press/Media /Fashion Magazine/s interviews, coverage, and publications; and The CMG Travel Award. THE CMG TRAVEL AWARD (*CMG Travel Voucher and **CMG Services to MODEL 101 WINNER [~$2,500] ) will help to provide the tools and platform needed to make a model’s brand known and evolve. Please review the CMG award details below. MODEL 101 WINNER will be further promoted and invited to participate and model either at CMG New York City Fashion Week or at CMG Paris Fashion Week in Paris, France. If MODEL 101 Winner chooses not to participate at the next fashion event where he/she has been invited, CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking.
MODEL 101 WINNER/S * will receive the following The CMG Travel Award:
1. a Winner Diploma
2. a Certificate of Continuing Education and Professional Development
3. a Hotel accommodation with The CMG Team (two nights) (~ a $200 value)
4. a Voucher* that can be redeemed at the Fashion Week where the winner was invited to join. Size of the Voucher will depend on the number of tickets sold ( usually 10% from all proceeds goes to vouchers).
5. Services** provided to MODEL 101 WINNER by The CMG (an equivalent value ~$2,500 [A-E]), what usually a fashion brand is paying for his/her marketing in the fashion or modeling industry:
A) Attend and model either at CMG New York City Fashion Week in USA or CMG Paris Fashion Week in Paris, France (model's registration fee will be paid by The CMG on behalf of The Winner); build and expend portfolio, and receive international / national experience, exposure, publicity and training (a $500 value).
B) CMG Promotional photo- and videoshoot on the offered day (a $350 per hour value). CMG is scheduling the following promotional days: September 10-14, 2021 in NYC; September 24-27, 2021 in Paris. Please travel arrangements accordingly!
D) Associated interview by Media/Press and Fashion Magazines (a $500 value).
E) Associated video-production of The Model 101 Winner travel and participation at the fashion week (a $1,000 value per 1 minute of video).
F) Any work-orders received by The CMG from third parties for a particular look/design/s will be forwarded to a Model!
* The Model-Winner is responsible for purchasing his/her own round trip /airplane ticket from and back to his/her point of origin. Winner is also responsible for procuring his/her own travel document (e.g., a valid passport, entry visa if applicable), extended lodging, food, sightseeing gear, and transportation expenses during the entire trip to and from The CMG Fashion Show. The Winner will need to sign a contract prior to his/her departure. Failure to abide by the provisions listed in the contract may lead to disqualification. Services will not be provided to the winner if he/she are either late or miss the scheduled promotional day/s either in NYC or Los Angeles or Paris or Dubai. If The Winner chooses not to participate at the next event where he/she has been invited, The CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking. - WHERE ARE WE STAYING /EVENT VENUE? Hot Springs, AR
- CMG CONCIERGE SERVICE: Let us know if you wish to book your discounted "flight+hotel" or "hotel" using our CMG Travel Concierge. Fee of $25 applies. Travel Concierge will offer several discounted options for your selection.
- WHAT SHOULD I PACK? Black and white evening attire; black, nude, and white stylish high heels and black, nude, and white panties and strapless bra; and any stylish attire and convenient clothing and high heels /shoes.
- FASHION MODEL /BRAND PARTICIPATION: If the Winner chooses not to participate at the fashion event where he/she has been invited, Cupani Fashion/ CMG reserves the right to invite the Winner next in ranking selected at CMG New York & Paris Fashion Weeks RETREAT.
- FASHION MODEL /BRAND REPRESENTATION: Winner will be represented by Cupani Fashion/CMG in Paris, France; Los Angeles and New York, USA; London, UK, and Dubai, UAE. Any offered working contract received by Cupani Fashion/CMG will be forwarded to 101 Winner.
- I understand that registration for without my own entry ticket is incomplete! All participants / family member/friend shall obtain his/her own tickets in advance at STORE at
- I understand that all United States properties require masks /face coverings in all indoor public areas for guests and team members. Please visit hotel/Florida dedicated COVID-19 page for the latest and before traveling, please check your destination's government website to understand any local restrictions that may be in place. Masks /face coverings will be required for both staff and patrons. Patrons will be allowed to remove masks only when fresh air/outdoor, or properly socially distanced. There will be no exceptions. All employees and patrons will be thermally screened prior to entering the buildings. While we feel these measures represent best practices, there is no guarantee that they will be 100% effective. Anyone with a temperature exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit or was COVID-19 contacts kindly refrain to join us. If you feel uncomfortable with the situation, please postpone your visit until a later date.
- I assert that I was not exposed to COVID-19, nor was I in close proximity with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Likewise, I haven’t traveled abroad in the past month, nor have I any of the following symptoms: fever, chills, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle / body aches, headache, acute loss of taste and/or smell, sore throat, congested nasal areas, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or influenza-like symptoms. If I’ve exposed myself or been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or begin to experience symptoms mentioned above, I agree to self-quarantine and ostracize myself for 14 days. I also understand that I can reapply to join the 2021 Fashion Season in 2021. Furthermore, I do understand that providing medical treatment is my sole responsibility. The Founder / Company declines any responsibility in the event of a medical emergency prior / during or following a fashion show or promotional photo-or videoshoots. It is strongly recommended that everyone in attendance wears a cloth face cover in public. Continue to keep about 6 feet between yourself and others. The cloth face cover is not a substitute for social distancing. I strongly agree with above statements!
- No pets allowed.
- Non smoking event.
- I understand and agree that any other medical concerns (diabetes; allergies; etc.) and other impeding conditions that may affect my participation and outdoor activities. I do understand that providing medical treatment is my sole responsibility. The Founder / Company declines any responsibility in the event of a medical emergency prior / during or following a fashion show or promotional photo-or videoshoots.
- I understand and agree that I may be photographed / video recorded / interviewed by The Founder / Company in order to promote me, my brand, my involvement and popularity.
- I understand that I may send out messages across all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube etc.) in order to raise awareness about my contribution, participation either in the model casting, model training / rehearsals, and my involvement in the demonstration of collections showcases and events.
- I hereby release and hold harmless the Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and for the minor child and children listed below associated with the images specified above. Further, I attest that I have full authority to consent and authorize the Founder to use their likenesses and names.
- I further acknowledge that participation is voluntary. I will not receive financial compensation of any kind associated with the taking or publication of my photographs or participation in company marketing materials or other publications. I further acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.
- Photographers and/or videographers (in house or visiting) as well as media/press must arrive by the designated call time 9:30 AM, not after for briefing. Photographers, videographers as well as media/press are responsible for the safekeeping of their appurtenances (equipment, lenses, filters, cables, cords and storage media). Neither Cupani Fashion nor CMG will not be held responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of said appurtenances (equipment, lenses, filters, cables, cords and storage media). Photographers, videographers as well as media/press are to follow the Producer and the production staff’s instructions.
Within one week after the event, photographers, videographers (in house or visiting) as well as media/press agree to provide digital copies of all photos taken at the RETREAT via Googledrive, WeTransfer other routes of delivery or e-mail to [email protected] All received photos will be posted at The RETREAT photo-galleries. All our participants and Editors of Magazine/s will be invited to view and purchase their favorite photos or use for the publication. Please edit and/or crop the photos as deemed necessary. Remember to submit high resolution photographs (i.e., 300 DPI) without any logo inserted. Received photos will be posted in the photo gallery accompanied with the photographer’s name at the event photo-gallery for sale. Received photos (C) will be used for post-event publications in order to promote you, each participant, the event.
Received photographs and/or videoclips are considered property of the Founder / Company /Event. "Property" means that the Founder, the Company, or the Event will be used photos taken by you, to promote you on our social media and website! Each participant will have the chance to expand his / her own photo- and video portfolio and may win awards as frequently as she / he appears on all modern social medias (with the most likes), photoshoots, interviews, runways, magazines and press releases. Participants may obtain photographs directly from the RETREAT photo-gallery. The cost per three (3) photograph will be $10.00 (sales taxes not included). The Founder / Company will receive 30%, and the photographer will receive 70% from the revenue of any photographs sold. Please note that the generated revenue does not include sales taxes. Photographer/s with the “Most Published”; "LIKES" and "Photos Sold" will be considered as "CMG RETREAT Winner. Each participant of the photo contest is assisting “the Founder / Company” in the identification of the Most Outstanding Photographer/s. Photographer wishes to publish his/her own photos taken at the event or scheduled Promotional Photoshoots elsewhere (for instance other Fashion Magazine /Journal), he/she is expected to obtain The Official Written Permission from The Founder/Company/ The Producer and cite The Producer and The Event. Photographers shall not share photos with any participants. - I hereby release The Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of Company publications, from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation in the events organized by the Founder / Company. I have read all the details advised in this document as well as Memorandum of Understanding (MOU or contract) upon the registration online and fully understand all that is stated.
- I do understand if I do not abide by the rules and guidelines of the CMG, this will result in the immediate dismal from the event.
- I attest that I have read all the details advised in this Agreement & Memorandum of Understanding document and fully understand all that is stated.
- I do understand and agree that if I fail to abide by any of the stated rules and guidelines, this may result in the immediate dismissal from the event or the scheduled promotional photo- and video-shoots. I ascertain that I have read, understood, and agreed to the above.
- Disqualification forfeits any refund and in addition it also implies a deletion of any video and photographic materials take at, during of following the event.
- I attest that electronic signatures of participants designer, model, stylist, MUA, photographer, media/press, judge member, performer, host, partner, intern or other including family member or friend listed via a registration and a submission of all required info or documents or purchased event's tickets at is equal to his/her PHYSICAL SIGNATURE.