Dr. Lacie Cupani, Créatrice de Mode, Fondatrice et Productrice
Productrice: Cupani Fashion/The Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) (une division de Cupani Fashion, LLC)
Contact Fondatrice et Productrice: Lacie Cupani - PDG, créatrice de mode, fondatrice et chef de production Marketing Consultant, téléphone / texte (SMS) / Telegram / WhatsApp : +1 501-749-9479, E-mail : [email protected]
Dr. Lacie Cupani détient un doctorat en médecine (1990) et un doctorat en immunologie, microbiologie et maladies infectieuses de l'Académie de médecine de l'État du Kirghizistan (1998) ; ainsi qu'une maîtrise en santé internationale (MS) de l'Université de Tokyo (2001). Dr. Cupani a travaillé en tant que chercheuse scientifique et chef de groupe à l'Université polytechnique de New York (2001-2005). Elle a publié plus de 70 articles de recherche dans des revues scientifiques de premier plan, et les résultats de ses recherches ont abouti à des subventions fédérales et étatiques ainsi qu'à des brevets, y compris des brevets kirghizes et américains. Cupani Fashion a été élue ligne de l'année 2014 lors de la Semaine de la Mode à Little Rock, Arkansas, États-Unis. Elle a conçu une robe pour la Première Dame, Mme Susan Hutchinson, épouse du gouverneur de l'Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, pour son inauguration en janvier 2015. En 2015-16, Cupani a été candidate à "Project Runway", USA.
Mme Cupani est PDG de Cupani Fashion, rédactrice en chef du magazine Amazing Fashion de la CMG, fondatrice et promotrice de IQEdu-Scientific USA, ainsi que productrice de Cupidon vous invite, Mères Viva, Modèle de l'année, CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, Semaine de Mode CMG à Dubaï (en développement), Nouvel An avec Cupani et Carnival Cruise.
Cupani Fashion, LLC, une société établie et respectée basée à Little Rock, Arkansas, États-Unis, se spécialise dans la création de mode, la production, le marketing de mode, la formation, la gestion de modèles, la création de modèles et le marketing événementiel, en offrant une collaboration étroite entre ses clients et le monde de la mode, tant au niveau national qu'international.
En 2013, Cupani Fashion, avec CMG (https://www.cmgworldwidefashionweeks.com/), a fondé Cupidon vous invite !, un concours international et un défilé de mode national et international. Travaillant avec des participants nationaux et internationaux (créateurs/créatrices de mode, mannequins, coiffeurs/coiffeuses, stylistes, maquilleurs/maquilleuses, artistes et presse/médias), CMG offre des opportunités d'exposition, de mise en valeur, de réseautage, de promotion et de publicité. La CMG fait la promotion d'un large éventail de participants issus de divers horizons. Nous croyons que votre participation serait une excellente plateforme pour exposer et promouvoir votre marque auprès du public, de l'industrie de la mode, des médias, de la presse et des marques de mode, tant aux États-Unis qu'à l'étranger !
Depuis 2015, Cupani fait la promotion des participants les plus remarquables (créateurs/créatrices de mode, coiffeurs/coiffeuses, stylistes, maquilleurs/maquilleuses, mannequins, photographes, animateurs) à travers les CMG Prix de Voyage et Amazing Fashion Magazine. Depuis 2016, Mme Cupani soutient 36 orphelins de l'Orphelinat Orlovski en République Kirghize à travers les événements de mode CMG et le magazine Amazing Fashion associé. Tous les événements de mode présentés par Amazing et les participants aux événements de mode de la CMG soutiennent indirectement l'Orphelinat Orlovski.
Productrice: Cupani Fashion/The Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) (une division de Cupani Fashion, LLC)
Contact Fondatrice et Productrice: Lacie Cupani - PDG, créatrice de mode, fondatrice et chef de production Marketing Consultant, téléphone / texte (SMS) / Telegram / WhatsApp : +1 501-749-9479, E-mail : [email protected]
Dr. Lacie Cupani détient un doctorat en médecine (1990) et un doctorat en immunologie, microbiologie et maladies infectieuses de l'Académie de médecine de l'État du Kirghizistan (1998) ; ainsi qu'une maîtrise en santé internationale (MS) de l'Université de Tokyo (2001). Dr. Cupani a travaillé en tant que chercheuse scientifique et chef de groupe à l'Université polytechnique de New York (2001-2005). Elle a publié plus de 70 articles de recherche dans des revues scientifiques de premier plan, et les résultats de ses recherches ont abouti à des subventions fédérales et étatiques ainsi qu'à des brevets, y compris des brevets kirghizes et américains. Cupani Fashion a été élue ligne de l'année 2014 lors de la Semaine de la Mode à Little Rock, Arkansas, États-Unis. Elle a conçu une robe pour la Première Dame, Mme Susan Hutchinson, épouse du gouverneur de l'Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, pour son inauguration en janvier 2015. En 2015-16, Cupani a été candidate à "Project Runway", USA.
Mme Cupani est PDG de Cupani Fashion, rédactrice en chef du magazine Amazing Fashion de la CMG, fondatrice et promotrice de IQEdu-Scientific USA, ainsi que productrice de Cupidon vous invite, Mères Viva, Modèle de l'année, CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, Semaine de Mode CMG à Dubaï (en développement), Nouvel An avec Cupani et Carnival Cruise.
Cupani Fashion, LLC, une société établie et respectée basée à Little Rock, Arkansas, États-Unis, se spécialise dans la création de mode, la production, le marketing de mode, la formation, la gestion de modèles, la création de modèles et le marketing événementiel, en offrant une collaboration étroite entre ses clients et le monde de la mode, tant au niveau national qu'international.
En 2013, Cupani Fashion, avec CMG (https://www.cmgworldwidefashionweeks.com/), a fondé Cupidon vous invite !, un concours international et un défilé de mode national et international. Travaillant avec des participants nationaux et internationaux (créateurs/créatrices de mode, mannequins, coiffeurs/coiffeuses, stylistes, maquilleurs/maquilleuses, artistes et presse/médias), CMG offre des opportunités d'exposition, de mise en valeur, de réseautage, de promotion et de publicité. La CMG fait la promotion d'un large éventail de participants issus de divers horizons. Nous croyons que votre participation serait une excellente plateforme pour exposer et promouvoir votre marque auprès du public, de l'industrie de la mode, des médias, de la presse et des marques de mode, tant aux États-Unis qu'à l'étranger !
Depuis 2015, Cupani fait la promotion des participants les plus remarquables (créateurs/créatrices de mode, coiffeurs/coiffeuses, stylistes, maquilleurs/maquilleuses, mannequins, photographes, animateurs) à travers les CMG Prix de Voyage et Amazing Fashion Magazine. Depuis 2016, Mme Cupani soutient 36 orphelins de l'Orphelinat Orlovski en République Kirghize à travers les événements de mode CMG et le magazine Amazing Fashion associé. Tous les événements de mode présentés par Amazing et les participants aux événements de mode de la CMG soutiennent indirectement l'Orphelinat Orlovski.
Cupani Fashion is an exclusive crocheted line centered around an idea of creating beautiful simple things – made to last. Cupani Fashion is handmade stylish exclusive crocheted fashion and accessories inspired by human history, nature, science, and romance.
Lacie is The Editor of Amazing Fashion Magazine; CEO and a Fashion Designer of Cupani Fashion; and The Producer of “Cupidon is inviting You”, “Model of The Year”, and “CMG New York City Fashion Week and CMG Paris Fashion Week”.
Lacie's family name "Cupani" is originated from Lathyrus Cupani intensely scented flower that was first cultivated by a Sicilian monk, Father Francis Cupani, who found it in 1695. Father Cupani was taking a care of the botanical garden located in Misilmeri, which is about 9 miles (or 15 km) from Palermo the capital of Sicily, Italy. Before Linnaeus simplified plant nomenclature, Francisco Cupani, published in the 1696 a written description of the sweet pea plant. He named the plant “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. In 1699, he sent some seeds to a teacher in England and since then that was the first recorded Lathyrus cupani to be cultivated in England. And therefore, Cupani is using flowering crocheting elements and patterns in the designing handmade stylish crocheted garments and accessories.
Сupani has a scientific background: MD (1990) and PhD in Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases from Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (1998); и MS from University of Tokyo (2001). She worked as a Research Scientist and a Group Leader at the Polytechnic New York University (2001-05). She published over 70 research articles in leading scientific journals, and the results of her scientific investigations made their way into federal and state grants as well as patents including Kyrgyz and US patents US 20040161861 A1 and 8,383,084 (2013).
Сupani Fashion became a Line of the Year 2014 at the Little Rock Fashion Week. She designed a dress for 1st Lady Ms. Susan Hutchinson, spouse of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, for his inauguration in January 2015. В 2015-2016, Cupani was an applicant for "Project Runway", USA.
In 2015, Cupani models received: Daija Trask became The Model of the Year 2015 at the OneofaKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge Lousiana; Models Antonieta Suarez and Fior D Santiago Dilone shared $2500 award (July 25, 2016) at the VIP Exclusive Fashion Show in Tampa, Florida; Model Yaskarita Gia Olmos became Fashion Icon at the Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA) (Aug. 2, 2015); In November 17, 2015, Cupani's Male Models Brad Clark received EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, whereas Sean Michael 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida).
Cupani Fashion Collections demonstrated nation and worldwide including but not limited to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; Tokyo, Japan; and Little Rock, Baton Rouge, New York, Tampa, Carmel, USA. 2016 Spring-Summer Cupani’s Collections were shown in Fort Smith, USA (Oct. 10-11, 2015), Cupidon is inviting You! Fashion Show Little Rock (Oct. 23, 2015), USA; 2015 FDC Young Designer Awards and the Collections Showcase, London, UK (Oct. 31, 2015), International Cupidon is inviting Bishkek! Contest and Fashion Show, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Dec. 19, 2015).
In 2016, Cupani's Collections demonstrated at Viva Mothers! Fashion Show, Little Rock, Arkansas (May 7, 2016), AIMS20k6 Autoimmune Metro Style Fashion Show, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (Aug. 4-6, 2016), PLITZS New York City Fashion Week, New York, NY, USA (Sept.10, 2016); and 2nd Annual International Cupidon is inviting Bishkek! Contest and Fashion Show, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Dec. 10, 2016).
In 2017, Cupani's Collections showcases showcased at The OneofKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge, LA (February 28, 2017); Little Rock Fashion Week 9, Little Rock, AR (July 17-22, 2017); and CMG-New York City Fashion Week, NY (Feb. and September 2-3, 2017).
In 2018-19, 2022-24, Cupani Fashion Exclusive Crocheted Collections by Ms. Cupani showcased at CMG New York City Fashion Week and The CMG Paris Fashion Week and 1st Glamour Fashion Night (Nov. 2024) held in Hot Springs, AR.
Lacie is The Editor of Amazing Fashion Magazine; CEO and a Fashion Designer of Cupani Fashion; and The Producer of “Cupidon is inviting You”, “Model of The Year”, and “CMG New York City Fashion Week and CMG Paris Fashion Week”.
Lacie's family name "Cupani" is originated from Lathyrus Cupani intensely scented flower that was first cultivated by a Sicilian monk, Father Francis Cupani, who found it in 1695. Father Cupani was taking a care of the botanical garden located in Misilmeri, which is about 9 miles (or 15 km) from Palermo the capital of Sicily, Italy. Before Linnaeus simplified plant nomenclature, Francisco Cupani, published in the 1696 a written description of the sweet pea plant. He named the plant “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. In 1699, he sent some seeds to a teacher in England and since then that was the first recorded Lathyrus cupani to be cultivated in England. And therefore, Cupani is using flowering crocheting elements and patterns in the designing handmade stylish crocheted garments and accessories.
Сupani has a scientific background: MD (1990) and PhD in Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases from Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (1998); и MS from University of Tokyo (2001). She worked as a Research Scientist and a Group Leader at the Polytechnic New York University (2001-05). She published over 70 research articles in leading scientific journals, and the results of her scientific investigations made their way into federal and state grants as well as patents including Kyrgyz and US patents US 20040161861 A1 and 8,383,084 (2013).
Сupani Fashion became a Line of the Year 2014 at the Little Rock Fashion Week. She designed a dress for 1st Lady Ms. Susan Hutchinson, spouse of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, for his inauguration in January 2015. В 2015-2016, Cupani was an applicant for "Project Runway", USA.
In 2015, Cupani models received: Daija Trask became The Model of the Year 2015 at the OneofaKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge Lousiana; Models Antonieta Suarez and Fior D Santiago Dilone shared $2500 award (July 25, 2016) at the VIP Exclusive Fashion Show in Tampa, Florida; Model Yaskarita Gia Olmos became Fashion Icon at the Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA) (Aug. 2, 2015); In November 17, 2015, Cupani's Male Models Brad Clark received EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, whereas Sean Michael 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida).
Cupani Fashion Collections demonstrated nation and worldwide including but not limited to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; Tokyo, Japan; and Little Rock, Baton Rouge, New York, Tampa, Carmel, USA. 2016 Spring-Summer Cupani’s Collections were shown in Fort Smith, USA (Oct. 10-11, 2015), Cupidon is inviting You! Fashion Show Little Rock (Oct. 23, 2015), USA; 2015 FDC Young Designer Awards and the Collections Showcase, London, UK (Oct. 31, 2015), International Cupidon is inviting Bishkek! Contest and Fashion Show, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Dec. 19, 2015).
In 2016, Cupani's Collections demonstrated at Viva Mothers! Fashion Show, Little Rock, Arkansas (May 7, 2016), AIMS20k6 Autoimmune Metro Style Fashion Show, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (Aug. 4-6, 2016), PLITZS New York City Fashion Week, New York, NY, USA (Sept.10, 2016); and 2nd Annual International Cupidon is inviting Bishkek! Contest and Fashion Show, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (Dec. 10, 2016).
In 2017, Cupani's Collections showcases showcased at The OneofKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge, LA (February 28, 2017); Little Rock Fashion Week 9, Little Rock, AR (July 17-22, 2017); and CMG-New York City Fashion Week, NY (Feb. and September 2-3, 2017).
In 2018-19, 2022-24, Cupani Fashion Exclusive Crocheted Collections by Ms. Cupani showcased at CMG New York City Fashion Week and The CMG Paris Fashion Week and 1st Glamour Fashion Night (Nov. 2024) held in Hot Springs, AR.
Cupani Fashion эксклюзивная линия созданная крючком включает красивые простые вещи. Cupani Fashion стильный эксклюзив ручной работы и аксессуары, созданые под вдохновлением истории человекa, природы, науки и романтики. "Cupani" происходит от Lathyrus Cupani интенсивно пахнущего цветка душистого горошка. С 1695, цветки душистого горошка были впервые культивирoваны в Сицилии монахом Francis Cupani, который нашел его в 1695 году. Francis Cupani заботился о ботаническом саде, расположенном в Misilmeri около 9 миль (или 15 км ) от Палермо столицы Сицилии, Италия. До Linnaeus упрощенной номенклатуры растений, Francis Cupani опубликовал в 1696 письменное описание душистого горошка. Francis Cupani наименовал растение “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. В 1699, Francis Cupani отправил семена своему учителю в Англию, и с этого времени Lathyrus Cupani стал культивироваться в Англии и распространился по миру.
Лэси Купани имеет научные степени: MD (1990) и PhD Кыргызкая Государственная Медицинская Академия (1998); и MS Университета Токио (2001). Она занималась научной и преподавательской деятельностью (1993 до September 20, 2012). Cupani организовала Cupani Fashion компанию (2013). C 2013, Cupani международный дизайнер и CEO Cupani Fashion; продюсер “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” дизайнерских показов в США и в Кыргызстане; меценат; и промоутер IQEdu-Scientific USA инициатив и программ (математика; иностранные языки и чтение; наука и научные программы включая профессии в health careers). C августа 2015, Лэси с Cupani Fashion Член Международного Жюри The Fashion Designers' and Craft Makers' (FDC) FDC Young Designer Awards Competition в Лондоне, Англия.
В июле 2014, Cupani Fashion “Rainbow Soul” дизайнерскaя линия стала Линией Года, 6-й Little Rock Fashion Week. В декабре 2014, Cupani Fashion была приглашена сделать эксклюзивный дизайн крючком для 1-ой Леди, супруги Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. Эксклюзивный “Sugarplum Blossom“ был сделан для Ms. Susan Hutchinson на инаугурацию Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (10-го января 2015).
В 2014, Cupani организовала Spring-Summer, Fall, Winter серию дизайнерских показов “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” с целью продвижения молодых дизайнеров, моделeй, визажистов, стилистов, певцов, танцоров, блогеров, и фотографов. В 2015-2016, Cupani была аплликантом на "Project Runway", USA.
В марте 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Daija Trask стала Моделью 2015 Года Oneofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Lousiana, USA. В июле 2015, две Cupani Fashion Модели Antonieta Suárez (Мексика) и Fior D Santiago Dilone (Пуэрто Рико) разделили $2500 приз на VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, Florida, USA (July 25, 2015); В августе 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Yaskarita Gia Olmos (Боливия) получила статус "Fashion Icon” в Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA). В ноябре 17, 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Brad Clark получил звание EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, в то время как Cupani Fashion Модель Sean Michael получил звание 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida). В 2015, Cupani Fashion дизайнерские показы: Sensuality, Simply The Best, Black & Gold, Pearls, и Lady in Red-The Great Gatsby-21st Century, и Serge прошли в Little Rock (February 14, July 15-18 October 23); Baton Rouge, Lousiana (February 23-28); New York City, New York (April 25); Tampa, Florida (July 25); Fort Smith (October 10-11), London, UK (October 31), Carmel, Indiana (November 6, 2015).
Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Young Aspiring Models для молодых моделей желающих получить карьеру моделей и подготовку и международный опыт в моделировании в США и в Лондон, Англии. Модель Arneshya’ Jackson (Little Rock AR, USA) открыла Black & Gold показ в New York City, New York (April 25). Модель Bryana Carter (Convey, AR, USA) выиграла The Eventful Cupidon Model 101, Fall 2015, участие и показ на KARK4/FOX16 телевидении, участие и Travel Award/поездку в Лондон для участия в The FDC Young Designer Awards and the FDC Collections Showcase, London UK, Oct. 31, 2015, и фото-сессии для портфолио моделей и публикаций в журналах мод в США и Англии
In 2016, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе Viva Mother! Fashion Show (May 7th, 2016), Little Rock, AR, USA; Myrtle Beach Fashion Show, SC, USA (Aug. 4-6, 2016); The Model of The Year, Little Rock, AR, USA (Oct. 22 2016); 2nd International Fashion Show "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" (Dec.10, 2016).
In 2017, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе OneofKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge, LA (February 28, 2017); Little Rock Fashion Week 9, Little Rock, AR (July 17-22, 2017); and CMG-New York City Fashion Week, NY (Feb. and September 2-3, 2017).
In 2018-19, 2022-24 Cupani Fashion представил коллекции в ходе CMG New York City Fashion Week; The CMG Paris Fashion Week, Boots & Bowties, Glamour Fashion Night, Hot Springs.
Facebook Cupani Fashion
Facebook CMG New York City Fashion Week
Facebook CMG New York City Fashion Week
IQEdu-Scientific USA
Instagram: @cupanifashion @cmgnycfw @cmgparisfashionweek
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/cupanifashion/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cupanifashion
YouTube Channel
Видео: Cupani Fashion эксклюзивная коллекция
VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, FL, USA, 2015
Лэси Купани имеет научные степени: MD (1990) и PhD Кыргызкая Государственная Медицинская Академия (1998); и MS Университета Токио (2001). Она занималась научной и преподавательской деятельностью (1993 до September 20, 2012). Cupani организовала Cupani Fashion компанию (2013). C 2013, Cupani международный дизайнер и CEO Cupani Fashion; продюсер “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” дизайнерских показов в США и в Кыргызстане; меценат; и промоутер IQEdu-Scientific USA инициатив и программ (математика; иностранные языки и чтение; наука и научные программы включая профессии в health careers). C августа 2015, Лэси с Cupani Fashion Член Международного Жюри The Fashion Designers' and Craft Makers' (FDC) FDC Young Designer Awards Competition в Лондоне, Англия.
В июле 2014, Cupani Fashion “Rainbow Soul” дизайнерскaя линия стала Линией Года, 6-й Little Rock Fashion Week. В декабре 2014, Cupani Fashion была приглашена сделать эксклюзивный дизайн крючком для 1-ой Леди, супруги Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. Эксклюзивный “Sugarplum Blossom“ был сделан для Ms. Susan Hutchinson на инаугурацию Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (10-го января 2015).
В 2014, Cupani организовала Spring-Summer, Fall, Winter серию дизайнерских показов “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” с целью продвижения молодых дизайнеров, моделeй, визажистов, стилистов, певцов, танцоров, блогеров, и фотографов. В 2015-2016, Cupani была аплликантом на "Project Runway", USA.
В марте 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Daija Trask стала Моделью 2015 Года Oneofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Lousiana, USA. В июле 2015, две Cupani Fashion Модели Antonieta Suárez (Мексика) и Fior D Santiago Dilone (Пуэрто Рико) разделили $2500 приз на VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, Florida, USA (July 25, 2015); В августе 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Yaskarita Gia Olmos (Боливия) получила статус "Fashion Icon” в Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA). В ноябре 17, 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Brad Clark получил звание EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, в то время как Cupani Fashion Модель Sean Michael получил звание 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida). В 2015, Cupani Fashion дизайнерские показы: Sensuality, Simply The Best, Black & Gold, Pearls, и Lady in Red-The Great Gatsby-21st Century, и Serge прошли в Little Rock (February 14, July 15-18 October 23); Baton Rouge, Lousiana (February 23-28); New York City, New York (April 25); Tampa, Florida (July 25); Fort Smith (October 10-11), London, UK (October 31), Carmel, Indiana (November 6, 2015).
Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Young Aspiring Models для молодых моделей желающих получить карьеру моделей и подготовку и международный опыт в моделировании в США и в Лондон, Англии. Модель Arneshya’ Jackson (Little Rock AR, USA) открыла Black & Gold показ в New York City, New York (April 25). Модель Bryana Carter (Convey, AR, USA) выиграла The Eventful Cupidon Model 101, Fall 2015, участие и показ на KARK4/FOX16 телевидении, участие и Travel Award/поездку в Лондон для участия в The FDC Young Designer Awards and the FDC Collections Showcase, London UK, Oct. 31, 2015, и фото-сессии для портфолио моделей и публикаций в журналах мод в США и Англии
In 2016, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе Viva Mother! Fashion Show (May 7th, 2016), Little Rock, AR, USA; Myrtle Beach Fashion Show, SC, USA (Aug. 4-6, 2016); The Model of The Year, Little Rock, AR, USA (Oct. 22 2016); 2nd International Fashion Show "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" (Dec.10, 2016).
In 2017, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе OneofKind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Baton Rouge, LA (February 28, 2017); Little Rock Fashion Week 9, Little Rock, AR (July 17-22, 2017); and CMG-New York City Fashion Week, NY (Feb. and September 2-3, 2017).
In 2018-19, 2022-24 Cupani Fashion представил коллекции в ходе CMG New York City Fashion Week; The CMG Paris Fashion Week, Boots & Bowties, Glamour Fashion Night, Hot Springs.
Facebook Cupani Fashion
Facebook CMG New York City Fashion Week
Facebook CMG New York City Fashion Week
IQEdu-Scientific USA
Instagram: @cupanifashion @cmgnycfw @cmgparisfashionweek
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/cupanifashion/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cupanifashion
YouTube Channel
Видео: Cupani Fashion эксклюзивная коллекция
VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, FL, USA, 2015