2022 CMG New York City Fashion Week Featured Designers/Fashion Brands!
Please note: The Most Outstanding Designer, Model, Hairstylist, MUA, and/or Photographer) will be awarded including but not limited to The CMG Travel Award. Award will only be redeemed at the show where the Winner was invited to participate and present his/her collection, modeling, or creative work. If the Winner chooses not to participate at the next fashion event where he/she has been invited, CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking.
Nhora's Funky Art/Designs, Florida, USA
CMG New York Fashion Week Line 101 Winner and 2022 CMG Travel Award Winner
| FB: www.facebook.com/funkyartbynhora | IG: nhorasart |
| Featured by AMAZING (October - November 2019, Vol. 1)
CMG New York Fashion Week Line 101 Winner and 2022 CMG Travel Award Winner
| FB: www.facebook.com/funkyartbynhora | IG: nhorasart |
| Featured by AMAZING (October - November 2019, Vol. 1)
Photos: Michael Rose
Like A Snack Clothing, British Columbia, Canada
| 604-603-3876 | [email protected] | https://likeasnackclothing.ca/ | FB @likeasnackclothing
| IG @likeasnackkkk | Featured by Amazing Fashion Magazine January 2020 & March 2020
| 604-603-3876 | [email protected] | https://likeasnackclothing.ca/ | FB @likeasnackclothing
| IG @likeasnackkkk | Featured by Amazing Fashion Magazine January 2020 & March 2020
Cupani Fashion, Arkansas & New York, USA
| 1-501-749-9479 | [email protected] | FB cupanifashion | IG: cupanifashion | Twitter: https://twitter.com/cupanifashion |
YouTube Cupani Fashion | Featured by Entrepreneur Platform Magazine 2020 January; Amazing Fashion Magazine, 2019 December, Vol 2; & River & Word Magazine, July 8, 2018
| 1-501-749-9479 | [email protected] | FB cupanifashion | IG: cupanifashion | Twitter: https://twitter.com/cupanifashion |
YouTube Cupani Fashion | Featured by Entrepreneur Platform Magazine 2020 January; Amazing Fashion Magazine, 2019 December, Vol 2; & River & Word Magazine, July 8, 2018