Model Sign Up for CMG Paris Fashion Week
October 4-7, 2024
Signez-vous pour la Semaine de la Mode CMG Paris
Please note: Submission via cellphone is very slow and can be easily interrupted because many applications are running on the background! Restart your cellphone / laptop and engage your application! Please fill out all fields of the Model Registration Form (shown below) marked with a red asterisk *, submit all required information, body measurements, photos, and a video-invite (size less than 20MB). Use NA (not applicable) if something does not apply to you. You shall receive a note from us "Your application has been successfully submitted" if your application went through. If you did not receive a note, restart your phone/laptop or scroll up and re-fill your application. Be sure to fill out all fields highlighted in red color and marked with a red asterisk! An official letter will be issued upon complete application (application + purchased model entry)!
Veuillez noter : La soumission via téléphone portable est très lente et peut être facilement interrompue en raison de nombreuses applications fonctionnant en arrière-plan ! Redémarrez votre téléphone / ordinateur portable et lancez votre application ! Veuillez remplir tous les champs du formulaire d'inscription de modèle (présenté ci-dessous) marqués d'un astérisque rouge *. Soumettez toutes les informations requises, vos mensurations, des photos et une vidéo d'invitation (taille inférieure à 20 Mo). Utilisez NA (non applicable) si quelque chose ne vous concerne pas. Vous recevrez une note de notre part indiquant "Votre candidature a été soumise avec succès" si votre demande a été validée. Si vous n'avez pas reçu de note, redémarrez votre téléphone / ordinateur portable ou faites défiler vers le haut et remplissez à nouveau votre demande. Assurez-vous de remplir tous les champs surlignés en rouge et marqués d'un astérisque rouge ! Une lettre officielle sera émise après la soumission complète de la demande (demande + inscription de modèle achetée) !
Veuillez noter : La soumission via téléphone portable est très lente et peut être facilement interrompue en raison de nombreuses applications fonctionnant en arrière-plan ! Redémarrez votre téléphone / ordinateur portable et lancez votre application ! Veuillez remplir tous les champs du formulaire d'inscription de modèle (présenté ci-dessous) marqués d'un astérisque rouge *. Soumettez toutes les informations requises, vos mensurations, des photos et une vidéo d'invitation (taille inférieure à 20 Mo). Utilisez NA (non applicable) si quelque chose ne vous concerne pas. Vous recevrez une note de notre part indiquant "Votre candidature a été soumise avec succès" si votre demande a été validée. Si vous n'avez pas reçu de note, redémarrez votre téléphone / ordinateur portable ou faites défiler vers le haut et remplissez à nouveau votre demande. Assurez-vous de remplir tous les champs surlignés en rouge et marqués d'un astérisque rouge ! Une lettre officielle sera émise après la soumission complète de la demande (demande + inscription de modèle achetée) !
Please read and follow Exclusive Model Etiquette. This is your Model Entry (Advanced or Last Minute) to market, advertise, promote you, and model at CMG Paris Fashion Week Grand Show. Model Entry Fee will be used for the following: 1) to promote you via flyers, 2) announcements, a short video, etc. on and 3) CMG social media outlets including Facebook and Instagram and make you and your brand evolve and noticed! 4) You and Your Breaking News will be featured on CMG Worldwide News to advertise you worldwide. 5) You will be featured in several Issues of Amazing Fashion Magazine (USA & Worldwide) including before and after actual fashion week. Please Note: Advance Model Entry ($49.99) will be open till May 15th ! Last-minute Model Entry (or $99.99) will be held from May 16th till the show. Model 101 will be awarded! Model's supporters holding purchased VIP or general admission tickets are eligible to vote for the model, regardless of being physically present at the show. The more supporters the model has, the higher the chances of model’s success!
Veuillez lire et suivre le Code de Conduite Exclusif des Modèles Exclusive Model Etiquette. Voici votre inscription de modèle (Avancée ou de Dernière Minute) pour vous commercialiser, vous faire de la publicité, vous promouvoir et défiler au Grand Show de la Semaine de la Mode CMG à Paris. Les frais d'inscription de modèle seront utilisés pour les éléments suivants : 1) vous promouvoir via des flyers, 2) des annonces, une courte vidéo, etc. sur et 3) les réseaux sociaux de CMG, y compris Facebook et Instagram, afin de faire évoluer votre image et votre marque ! 4) Vous et vos dernières nouvelles serez présentés dans CMG Worldwide News pour vous promouvoir dans le monde entier. 5) Vous serez mis en avant dans plusieurs numéros d'Amazing Fashion Magazine (USA et dans le monde), avant et après la semaine de la mode. Veuillez noter : l'inscription avancée de modèle (49,99 $) sera ouverte jusqu'au 15 mai ! L'inscription de dernière minute (ou 99,99 $) sera disponible du 16 mai jusqu'au défilé. Un Model 101 sera récompensé ! Les supporters des modèles détenant des billets VIP ou d'admission générale achetés peuvent voter pour le modèle, même s'ils ne sont pas physiquement présents au défilé. Plus un modèle a de supporters, plus ses chances de succès sont élevées !
Veuillez lire et suivre le Code de Conduite Exclusif des Modèles Exclusive Model Etiquette. Voici votre inscription de modèle (Avancée ou de Dernière Minute) pour vous commercialiser, vous faire de la publicité, vous promouvoir et défiler au Grand Show de la Semaine de la Mode CMG à Paris. Les frais d'inscription de modèle seront utilisés pour les éléments suivants : 1) vous promouvoir via des flyers, 2) des annonces, une courte vidéo, etc. sur et 3) les réseaux sociaux de CMG, y compris Facebook et Instagram, afin de faire évoluer votre image et votre marque ! 4) Vous et vos dernières nouvelles serez présentés dans CMG Worldwide News pour vous promouvoir dans le monde entier. 5) Vous serez mis en avant dans plusieurs numéros d'Amazing Fashion Magazine (USA et dans le monde), avant et après la semaine de la mode. Veuillez noter : l'inscription avancée de modèle (49,99 $) sera ouverte jusqu'au 15 mai ! L'inscription de dernière minute (ou 99,99 $) sera disponible du 16 mai jusqu'au défilé. Un Model 101 sera récompensé ! Les supporters des modèles détenant des billets VIP ou d'admission générale achetés peuvent voter pour le modèle, même s'ils ne sont pas physiquement présents au défilé. Plus un modèle a de supporters, plus ses chances de succès sont élevées !
If desired, the model may bring his/her own makeup artist, hairstylist, or photographer but the registration fee per each (hairstylist, makeup artist, or photographer) applies. Supporter/s, hairstylist, makeup artist, and photographer's tickets shall be obtained in advance at STORE at
Si désiré, le modèle peut amener son propre maquilleur, coiffeur ou photographe, mais des frais d'inscription s'appliquent pour chacun (coiffeur, maquilleur ou photographe). Les billets pour les supporters, le coiffeur, le maquilleur et le photographe doivent être achetés à l'avance dans la BOUTIQUE sur
Si désiré, le modèle peut amener son propre maquilleur, coiffeur ou photographe, mais des frais d'inscription s'appliquent pour chacun (coiffeur, maquilleur ou photographe). Les billets pour les supporters, le coiffeur, le maquilleur et le photographe doivent être achetés à l'avance dans la BOUTIQUE sur
2) the AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE (e.g., followers, family members, friends, and anyone who joined the show in person in Paris),
3) VIRTUAL SUPPOTERS (anyone who wishes to support Designers or Models but can't actually make it to the show).
All SCORE points will be added up.
The DESIGNER with the maximum number of votes will be declared as the CMG PARIS LINE 101 WINNER, and will receive 2023 Travel Award (equivalent value of $2,500 including promotions and CMG services to The Winner) in order to present his/her collection at CMG New York City Fashion Week or CMG Dubai Fashion Week or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week.
At the venue, CMG HONORABLE JUDGES will be also announcing the TOP TEN (10) MODELS with the highest scores. This includes Child, Male and Female Models.
These Top Ten (10) Models have the chance to receive the CMG Travel Award in order to join and model either at CMG New York City Fashion Week or at CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week (USA); or CMG Dubai Fashion Week in Dubai, UAE.
After the show, on the following day, these Top Ten (10) Models (i.e., child, male, and female models) and anyone who purchased a bus tour ticket, is invited to join the promotional Photo- and Videoshoots.
Hairstylists and Makeup Artists – if available – who prepared these Top Ten (10) Models are encouraged to join the promotional Photo- and Videoshoots as well, to assist the models they helped prepare!
Within ten (10) days after the show, videoclips of the Top Ten (10) Models will be posted on social media platforms (CMG New York City Fashion Week / CMG Paris Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week / CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week) such as YouTube, Facebook and even Instagram.
Each Model will be invited to engage his/her social media friends and followers (Facebook and Instagram) to vote as follows:
1) Like the particular Fashion Week (CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week) on Facebook and Instagram.
2) Vote by purchasing a Supporter’s ticket for a model’s video during the voting period.
"Votes" consist of number of "Like the Particular Fashion Week" + number of "Total Purchased Supporters' Tickets".
Funds generated will be used for the CMG Travel Award Voucher to Support the Finalist - Overall Model 101 Winner!
Vouchers can only be redeemed at the next Fashion Show where the Finalist – OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER – was invited to join and model.
If an OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER chooses not to participate at the next fashion week / event where he/she has been invited, CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking.
Registered Hairstylist and Makeup Artist, who has prepared an OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER, will automatically win if their Model(s) wins!
- I agree to participate in the 2022-25 CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Season either CMG New York Fashion Week or CMG Dubai Fashion Week or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week or CMG London Fashion Week or CMG Paris Fashion Week, other scheduled preparatory meetings / fashion show/ scheduled promotional events and post-events organized by the Founder and Cupani Fashion LLC /Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) (“The Founder / Company”), its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties.
- I understand that amateur or professional participants (e.g. Designers, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers, Entertainers) looking to break into the glamorous world of modeling and fashion, CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week might be my chance of a lifetime! The CMG Judges and The Audience in Attendance (Spectators) will assist in selecting the Most Outstanding Designer / Fashion Brand and Top Ten (10) Models. Each spectator will receive two (2) color wristbands (one color for the Designer, and one for the Top Model) upon his/her entrance. Wristbands will be used to cast votes. Wristbands will be used to vote for the Most Outstanding Designer / Fashion Brand and The Most Outstanding Model. Spectators are encouraged to cast their vote (by handing out a wristband) to the Most Outstanding Designer / Fashion Brand and The Most Outstanding Model!
- At the venue, Scores by The CMG Judges and the Audience in Attendance will be summed up. THE DESIGNER with the maximum of votes will receive LINE 101 WINNER AWARD and all offered promotions and The CMG services to The WINNER.
- At the venue, on the day of show, each participant of the AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE will receive two (2) wristbands (that are to be used as ballots to cast 2 votes). One wristband with a particular color can be used to vote for the Most Outstanding Designer. The other colored-wristband can be used to vote for the Most Outstanding Model. Each Spectator, Photographer, Hairstylist, and Makeup Artist is encouraged to cast his/her vote by handing out wristbands to the Most Outstanding Designer and Model during the voting process. If needed, the AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE may purchase additional wristbands at the venue prior to or during the voting process, so they can support their Most Outstanding Designer and Model.
2) the AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE (e.g., followers, family members, friends, and anyone who joined the show in person in Paris),
3) VIRTUAL SUPPOTERS (anyone who wishes to support Designers or Models but can't actually make it to the show).
All SCORE points will be added up.
The DESIGNER with the maximum number of votes will be declared as the CMG PARIS LINE 101 WINNER, and will receive 2023 Travel Award (equivalent value of $2,500 including promotions and CMG services to The Winner) in order to present his/her collection at CMG New York City Fashion Week or CMG Dubai Fashion Week or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week.
At the venue, CMG HONORABLE JUDGES will be also announcing the TOP TEN (10) MODELS with the highest scores. This includes Child, Male and Female Models.
These Top Ten (10) Models have the chance to receive the CMG Travel Award in order to join and model either at CMG New York City Fashion Week or at CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week (USA); or CMG Dubai Fashion Week in Dubai, UAE.
After the show, on the following day, these Top Ten (10) Models (i.e., child, male, and female models) and anyone who purchased a bus tour ticket, is invited to join the promotional Photo- and Videoshoots.
Hairstylists and Makeup Artists – if available – who prepared these Top Ten (10) Models are encouraged to join the promotional Photo- and Videoshoots as well, to assist the models they helped prepare!
Within ten (10) days after the show, videoclips of the Top Ten (10) Models will be posted on social media platforms (CMG New York City Fashion Week / CMG Paris Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week / CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week) such as YouTube, Facebook and even Instagram.
Each Model will be invited to engage his/her social media friends and followers (Facebook and Instagram) to vote as follows:
1) Like the particular Fashion Week (CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week) on Facebook and Instagram.
2) Vote by purchasing a Supporter’s ticket for a model’s video during the voting period.
"Votes" consist of number of "Like the Particular Fashion Week" + number of "Total Purchased Supporters' Tickets".
Funds generated will be used for the CMG Travel Award Voucher to Support the Finalist - Overall Model 101 Winner!
Vouchers can only be redeemed at the next Fashion Show where the Finalist – OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER – was invited to join and model.
- The Finalist - OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER and CMG Travel Award Winner is expected to earn the highest score given by the combined score points provided by the following constituents shown below:
2) AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE (e.g., followers, family members, friends, and anyone who joined the show in person )
3) VIRTUAL SUPPOTERS (anyone who wishes to support Designers or Models but can't actually make it to the show)
4) VOTES received (LIKE the Original Model's Video on three (3) platforms: YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook plus Total Purchased Supporters' Tickets/Votes.
If an OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER chooses not to participate at the next fashion week / event where he/she has been invited, CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking.
Registered Hairstylist and Makeup Artist, who has prepared an OVERALL MODEL 101 WINNER, will automatically win if their Model(s) wins!
- I understand that CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Season including but not limited to CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week offers a select few talented designers an opportunity to affordably showcase their collections and to win The CMG Travel Award to present his/her collection in the High Fashion Industry cities such New York or Los Angeles, US; London, UK; Dubai, UAE; and Paris, France.
- In addition, CMG is assisting our Featured Fashion Designers and is officially inviting boutique and gallery owners, celebrities, public figures or any other guests who might be interested to view and purchase the designers' collection in Dubai, New York, London, or Paris.
- CMG stimulates the education and international collaboration between the U.S. and other countries. IQEdu-Scientific USA and participants of Fashion Week/Event (designers, models, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, bloggers, backstage assistants, entertainers, and volunteers/interns) will benefit from our fashion show! Each participant may claim a Certificate of Continuing Education and Professional Development in regard to his/her participation at CMG Worldwide Fashion Week (mах. 10 hours).
- CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Designer Showcase Packages and Event / Event Scheduled Associated Tickets are only sold at . Purchased ticket(s) are a final, non-transferable, non-negotiable, and non-refundable. No shipping fees are required when purchasing event ticket(s) online. You will receive a confirmation of your purchase by e-mail. Present your confirmation e-mail at the entrance. PLEASE NOTE: No Physical Show Seat Tickets are issued for Online Seat Purchase. All Guest must check in at the door for show entry. Please state the name of the Credit/Debit Card Holder that purchased the Online Show Seats to gain entry to the Showcase. Each Purchased Seat will be eligible to only ONE Vote. Seat(s) tickets can be used to vote, without the Purchased Seat Guest(s) being Present in Person! Designers, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Entertainers can receive votes by their supporters who purchased a Show Seat(s) (VIP Front Row Seats or General Seat)!
- I understand that I may invite my supporters, followers, family, and friends to obtain their VIP Front Row Seats and General Admission Seats. I also understand that my flyers, business video-invite assists me in promoting my portfolio, career, and success!
- I understand that Each Participating Designer / Fashion Brand is required to secure his/her designer's package in advance. The earlier the Designer/ Fashion Brand obtain the package and register the longer The CMG will promote his /her brand!
- The Most Outstanding Designer / Fashion Brand will be awarded: LINE 101 WINNER and other awards which include but are not limited to the CMG Travel Award. Each Participating Designer / Fashion Brand will be judged by The CMG Judges and Spectators. Spectators are encouraged to give their vote (or wristband) to the Most Outstanding Designer / Fashion Brand! Each Participating Designer / Fashion Brand shall direct his/her spectators (group of supporters) to obtain his/her tickets (VIP or General admission ticket) at (Please visit "Store" Section). In order to participate in "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest, participants and spectators shall: A) order his/her favorite photo(s) from CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Event-gallery accessible at and B) enter the Photo Contest! Purchased photos are automatically enter "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest. Ordered photos will be posted on our social media. Voting period will be from March 1 till March 30th (for the February Show), from October 30 till November 30th (for the September Show), and from January 10th till February 10th (for the December Show). Participants and spectators are encouraged to engage their social media to vote for the most outstanding photo(s) on Cupani Fashion and CMG Fashion Week on Facebook and Instagram! Participants and spectators with the most "LIKES" will be the winner of "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" contest. I understand that Each Participating Designer / Fashion Brand may provide the Founder / Company / Event with names and contact information of boutique and gallery owners, celebrities, the industry representatives, public figures, fashion magazine/s or any others special guests to be invited on my behalf to be my special VIP guests at the Event. The Founder / Company / Event will subsequently send them an official invitation letter. I understand that Designers can talk to the audience, other attendees and the press/media firsthand directly after his/her showcase via our judges/ media/press junket. Fashion Designers should be prepared to invest in his/her own fashion brand/showcase and discuss, why they’re a Hot Emerging Fashion Brand.
- I understand that The CMG attempts to have a wider range of participants from various backgrounds for the CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks. We believe that your participation at CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week would constitute a great vehicle for exposing and advertising your brand to the public, media/press, TV, print, online, newspapers, fashion magazines, social media and various other branding opportunities, domestically as well as abroad.
- The Most Outstanding Model /s will be awarded: MODEL 101 WINNER and other awards which include but are not limited to the CMG Travel Award as well special promotions and services by The CMG to The Winner. Each Participating Model will be judged by The CMG Judges and Spectators. Spectators are encouraged to give their vote (or wristband) to The Most Outstanding Model! Each Participating Model shall direct his/her family, friends, followers, spectators (group of supporters) to obtain his/her tickets (VIP or General admission ticket) in advance at our Online Store at The more supporters (e.g., family, friends, and followers) the model has, the higher the chances of his/her success! Encourage your supporters to purchase their own tickets/seats in advance! Supporters holding the purchased tickets are eligible to assist the model to win regardless of being physically present at CMG Worldwide Fashion Week either at CMG New York Fashion Week or CMG Dubai Fashion Week or CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week or CMG London Fashion Week or CMG Paris Fashion Week. The CMG Travel Award will provide a tool to MODEL 101 WINNER and get featured and model in the High Fashion Industry cities such New York or Los Angeles, US; London, UK; Dubai, UAE; and or Paris, France; participate in promo video and photoshoots and "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / The Most Handsome Ever!” photo-contests; featured by Fashion Magazine/s. Hairstylists and Makeup Artists who have prepared a model winner will win automatically when their Model wins! Spectators, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers are encouraged to cast their vote (by handing over a wristband) to The Most Outstanding Model /s!
- In order to participate in "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest, models shall: A) order his/her favorite photo(s) from CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Event-gallery accessible at and B) enter the Photo Contest! Purchased photos are automatically enter "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest. Ordered photos will be posted on our social media. Voting period will be from March 1 till March 30th (for the February Show), from October 30 till November 30th (for the September Show), and from January 10th till February 10th (for the December Show). Participants and spectators are encouraged to engage their social media to vote for the most outstanding photo(s) on Cupani Fashion and CMG Fashion Week on Facebook and Instagram! Model with the most "LIKES" will be the winner of "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest. I understand that I may provide the Founder / Company / Event with names and contact information of modeling agency, boutique and gallery owners, public figures, fashion magazine/s or any others special guests to be invited on my behalf to be a model’s special VIP guests at the Event. The Founder / Company / Event will subsequently send them an official invitation letter.
I understand that Models can talk to the audience, other attendees and the press/media firsthand directly after his/her showcase via our judges/ media/press junket. Models should be prepared to invest in his/her own brand and discuss, why he/she shall be MODEL 101 WINNER. - The Most Outstanding Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist will be awarded: HAIRSTYLIST 101 WINNER / MAKEUP ARTIST 101 WINNER and other awards which include but are not limited to the CMG Travel Award. Each Participating Model will be judged by The CMG Judges and Spectators. Hairstylist and Makeup Artist who have prepared a model winner will win automatically when their Model wins! Each Participating Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist and their Spectators are encouraged to give their vote (or wristband) to The Most Outstanding Model! Each Participating Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist and their Spectators shall direct his/her spectators (group of supporters) to obtain his/her tickets spectators to obtain his/her tickets (VIP or General admission ticket) at The CMG Travel Award will provide a tool to HAIRSTYLIST 101 WINNER / MAKEUP ARTIST 101 WINNER and present his creative talents (hairstyling, makeup artistry) and serve as CMG Executive Director hairstyling/ makeup in the High Fashion Industry cities such New York or Los Angeles, US; London, UK; Dubai, UAE; and or Paris, France; participate in promo video and photoshoots and "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / The Most Handsome Ever!” photo-contests; be featured by Fashion Magazine/s. Spectators, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers are encouraged to cast their vote (by handing over a wristband) to The Most Outstanding Model /s! In order to participate in "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" photo-contest, Each Participating Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist shall: A) order his/her favorite photo(s) from CMG Worldwide Fashion Week Event-gallery accessible at and B) enter the Photo Contest! Ordered photos will be posted on our social media. Voting period will be from March 1 till March 30th (for the February Show), from October 30 till November 30th (for the September Show), and from January 10th till February 10th (for the December Show). Participants and spectators are encouraged to engage their social media to vote for the most outstanding photo(s) on Cupani Fashion and CMG Fashion Week on Facebook and Instagram! Model with the most "LIKES" will be the winner of "The Most Beautiful Ever!" / "The Most Handsome Ever!" contest. I understand that Each Participating Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist may provide the Founder / Company / Event with names and contact information of modeling agency, boutique and gallery owners, public figures, fashion magazine/s or any others special guests to be invited on my behalf to be a model’s special VIP guests at the Event. The Founder / Company / Event will subsequently send them an official invitation letter. I understand that Each Participating Hairstylist/ Makeup Artist can talk to the audience, other attendees and the press/media firsthand directly after his/her showcase via our judges/ media/press junket. Models should be prepared to invest in his/her own brand and discuss, why he/she shall be HAIRSTYLIST 101 WINNER / MAKEUP ARTIST 101 WINNER AND HOW THEY COULD BE CONTACTED AND BOOKED.
- The Most Outstanding Photographer will be awarded: PHOTOGRAPHER 101 WINNER and other awards which include but are not limited to the CMG Travel Award; Promotional Video and Photoshoots with Fashion Magazines; and other awards including but not limited to a Travel Award. Each Participating Photographer will be judged A) QUANTITATIVELY (based on the number of purchased by Participants/ Magazines and published photos by Fashion Magazine/s) and B) QUALITATIVELY (based on the numbers of “LIKES” his/her photographs are getting once published on our social media).
- Each Participating Artist / Entertainer is competing for THE ARTIST / ENTERTAINER 101, Promotional Photoshoots with Fashion Magazines and videoclips with Models and other awards.
- I acknowledge that I VOLUNTEER MY TIME AND EFFORTS, AND I AM NOT ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION FROM COMPANY FOR MY TIME AND EFFORTS. I further understand that I AM DONATING MY EFFORTS AND TIME for a building /expending of my own portfolio and getting experience and to be featured by The CMG / CMG Worldwide Fashion Week in the High Fashion Industry cities such New York or Los Angeles, US; London, UK; Dubai, UAE; and or Paris, France! My participation puts me and my brand in the spotlight at the Events to be noticed by a national and international audience and media alike! CMG / CMG Worldwide Fashion Week are encouraging me to get myself noticed! I, as the selected participant, can receive national / international exposure and branding, featured by media/press/ magazine/s, social media advertisements, promotions and / or other events.
- Why should designers show their collection at Designer Showcase? Why should models, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, entertainers and promote their Brand? CMG Worldwide Fashion Week in the High Fashion Industry cities such New York or Los Angeles, US; London, UK; Dubai, UAE; and or Paris, France is covered by the whole media - TV, print, online, and social media. As a registered participant (designer, model, hairstylist, makeup artist, photographer, entertainer), you’ll benefit from free advertising! Imagine the broad audience you will reach! You get a lot of value at no cost! Advertising budgets for a full media campaign can run into millions. Somehow, the $500,000 big name designers spend for their New York Fashion Week shows, look very expensive. And if you are a designer, fashion brand, model, model brand, stylist, makeup artist, or photographer, the media coverage offers you instant brand and name recognition. Again, your investment for a show looks surprisingly good since you can meet potential new business contacts, potential buyers along with the whole press and media corps.
- So, as a designer, should you try to show you collection or present your creative work. As a model shall you try to present your modeling skills and get noticed? As a hairstylist/makeup artist/photographer/entertainer shall you try to present your creative talents and skills and get noticed? That is a business decision you need to make on your own. If you think that CMG Worldwide Fashion Week including but not limited to CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week, CMG London Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week will offer you the exposure you need, then planning to show your collection / modeling/ creative talents and skills during this event might be the right thing. If you are a newly emerging designer, model, model brand, stylist, makeup artist, or photographer who has not yet participated in this type of event before, then we would guide and assist you with featuring your collection and you/your brand. As an upcoming designer, seasoned designer, boutique owner, fashion brand, model, hairstylist, makeup artist, or photographer, you might have questions as to how this all works out for you.
- How much does it cost to run a New York Fashion Week runway show? Quite honestly, a lot! We do not have exact figures, but as a ballpark figure, it might cost anywhere between $20,000 to $500,000 per show. Of course, these are big name shows where hotshot models exhibit your collection. Smaller shows might cost less. Some designers choose to "band together" and pool their resources, so that they can produce a runway show. Some of them look for sponsorships. No matter how much the cost is, you will need to invest some money into the show during the New York Fashion Week.
- If it is so expensive to produce a show, then why do designers/models/hairstylist/makeup artist/photographer/entertainer do join and present themself? For the sake of exposure! It might be expensive to produce a show, but you get to show your collection, your creative work or modeling skills to the entire world. The press coverage alone is worth a lot of money. Imagine if you have to place advertising in a major newspaper or a fashion magazine/s. Your advertising will only run once and reach only a tiny segment of the audience.
The Producer/s will make the final decision regarding any production or operation of the show. The Producer/s reserve the right to amend or modify the model line of any designer at any time prior to, or during the show. Any person directing verbal abuses (including but not limited to yelling, screaming, using derogative or provocative language, profanities, putting forward falsehood, offensive or libelous speech expressed in oral communications, cellphone messages, voicemails, emails, social media posts / comments and the like) or physical abuses - that may or may not cause bodily harm or injuries - at the Producer/s, CMG Judges, Participants, or Staff may be dismissed from the current and any future show(s) and escorted by security guards from the venue or the scheduled promotional video- and photoshoots. Any physical or verbal altercation or abuse either prior, during or following a fashion show or scheduled promotional events including photo- or videoshoots, will result in the immediate dismissal of the parties involved regardless of any explanation or reasoning of the altercation. Parties will be dismissed from the fashion event or the promotional events scheduled and offered by CMG. Food and beverages are not permitted in the event venue, or backstage at or near hair and makeup stations. Please feel free to use on your own the Restaurant of Venue for your breakfast or lunch. CMG will not be responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any items you will bring to the show. We do ask all participants to keep their valuables, weapons (e.g., firearms, knives, slingshots, baseball bats and the like), alcoholic beverages, controlled substances and hazardous materials at home. Any individual caught stealing personal items and or property will result in the immediate dismissal from the event and escorted by security guards. All participants, including designers, models, stylists, makeup artists, photographers, and partners, agree not to smoke, vape, chew tobacco, consume recreational drugs, take medications that cause drowsiness, or drink any alcoholic beverages shortly prior to, during the show and/or promotional event, such as photo- videoshoot. All participants must show up on time sober for our check-in prior to 9:00 AM, not after. All parties must advise guest(s) of the accepted dress code. If not followed, regardless of purchase of admission ticket, guest(s) with an inappropriate attire will not be admitted. Guest(s) are expected to dress fashionably. Sneakers, fitted caps, T-shirts, shorts and jerseys are not acceptable. Guest(s) must check their coats, backpacks, duffle bags and other luggage at the cloak (no exceptions). Only Designers, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists in an upcoming showcase are allowed in the backstage area. Each designer is allowed to be accompanied by one (1) assistant, not more. Participants (Designers, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers, Entertainers) and Partners are not allowed to sneak in any additional guest(s) (including but not limited to additional assistants, family members, relatives, friends, buddies, acquaintances, and the like) either on the backstage or on the show venue. Sneak in any additional guest(s) will result in the immediate dismissal of the parties involved regardless of any explanation or reasoning. Models who have not been assigned to their model line-up, are not to contact or harass Designers, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Photographers, Entertainers and vice versa. - All social media posts (personal website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and etc.) taken at the event or the scheduled promotional photo- and videoshoots by the Founder / Company”), shall be tagged and hash-tagged and acknowledged as follows:
The Founder & Producer Dr. Lacie Cupani
CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week
#luxury #Models #designers #hairstylists #MUA #photographers #cmgnycfw #cmgparisfashionweek #cmglafw #cmgdubaifashionweek #NYC #LosAngeles #Atlanta #Houston #Dallas #Chicago #Montreal #Toronto #Paris #London #Dubai #Tokyo #Moscow #Milan #Rome #Sydney #Berlin
Any personal or professional website and/or social media posts - without proper acknowledgement(s) to, or citation(s) of CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week or misleading, false, denigrating, discrediting information relating to either the Founder / Company / Event/ Participants or other Events will be reported to, including but not limited to Instagram or Facebook, and asked to be removed from said website and/or social media outlets without prior notice! You will be banned from current and prospective events. Organizers of other events will be notified as well. Furthermore, all your uploaded materials (photos/video) on your personal or professional website and/or social media posts shall be destroyed. You will be asked to compensate the associated cost as an equivalent of the venue cost.
Designers must arrive at the designated call time 9:00AM - allowed to be accompanied by only one (1) assistant backstage. Designers are responsible for their garments. CMG will not be held responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any garments or accessories. Food and beverages are not permitted in the event venue, or backstage at or near hair and makeup stations. Designers are not permitted to switch models once the final selection has been made. CMG reserves the right to make changes to designer's model line-up without prior notice. All designers must review and preview their collection with the producers. All choreography of models on the runway must be presented, pre-viewed and approved by producers prior to the show. Each designer is responsible for creating his/her own line-up chart detailed with photos and looks in the order of line-up. Designers are also responsible for the number of looks of their collection at the appointed time of showing. If not, your presentation will go out with the number of looks lined-up. Feel free to bring your own marketing tools to promote yourself at the event (compcards, 3-folds, business cards, or flyers) and any desired materials to be placed in 100 VIP bags. Designers are welcome to bring his /her own clothing racks, iron, humidifier, iron board due to limited ability provided by the venue. If any property of CMG borrowed is lost, stolen or damaged, the borrower (i.e., the designer), will be responsible for the cost of replacement. Furthermore, fashion designer's list of VIP guests must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] no later than January 15th for February show or August 15th for the September show. Designers are responsible for finding e-mail addresses of CMG who will officially invite fashion designer's VIP guests. All Designers shall follow The Code of Conduct (#23). - MODELSModels must arrive at the designated call time 9:00AM with washed and styled hair and a light makeup (example photo will be emailed to models). Intensified makeup and hairstyling will be provided on the day of the event by the participating hairstylists and makeup artists if any. Models must sign all required documents to participate. These documents must be submitted prior to the event. As mentioned earlier, models will be dismissed without delay for sneaking unauthorized individuals backstage or event’s venue. All participants under the age of 18 must have a parental form signed and submitted prior to the event.
Food and beverages are not permitted in the event venue, or backstage at or near hair and makeup stations. Please feel free to use on your own the Restaurant of Venue for your breakfast or lunch.
Models must not contact or harass any designers/hairstylists/makeup artists that they are not assigned to. All models are expected to be neatly groomed. Both male and female models must arrive neatly groomed. Men must be clean-shaven. Ladies must have their hair washed and dried prior to the show (no grease or gel). Hands and feet must be well maintained and presentable. Nails must not be longer that a centimeter (⅓ of an inch) from your fingertip. Examples of clean polish are natural pink, nude, clear and similar tones. Feet must be neatly pedicured (chipped polish is not acceptable). No smelly feet! You will not be permitted to model if your nails are not done as instructed, especially for models wearing open toe shoes. Models must maintain proper hygiene (e.g., no bad body odor or bad breath), or they may be subject to dismissal from the show.
Female models shall bring own black, white, and nude panties and strapless bra; beige and black strapless convertible shapewear slips (see suggested example below) ; black, white, and nude (any other colors that you wish) stiletto high heels that you are most comfortable to wear; breast petals/nipple patches/no show nipple covers/adhesive nipple covers. Black strapless convertible shapewear slips or black boxers shorts and matching color strapless top shall be used/wore during models walk /presentations of designer/s' collections including but not limited to jewelry, hats, scarfs, boots/shoes. Black strapless convertible shapewear slips shall be used/wore at the final call when you will be given a number and CMG Honorable Judges will select the Most Outstanding Models. Alternatively, you may consider bringing and wear beige and black boxers shorts and matching color strapless top!
APPLY our own cream and matching foundation at home! Makeup Artist will do your eyes and apply eyeshadow at the venue! Bring own cream, foundation, mascara, eyeshadow if you have any allergy! If you wish, you may come with your own makeup that intensify your own beauty. Let your assigned makeup artist to know that you wish to model with your own makeup if any!
If you have long hair and if not many hairstylists registered, you are invited to do your own hairstyle including but not limited to dance buns, pigtail buns, little buns, prom buns, little buns, crazy buns! Please feel free to bring your own hair bun maker, hair bands for women; hair band braid hair clip or any hair accessories in order to make your own hairstyle such as dance buns, pigtail buns, little buns, prom buns, little buns, crazy buns if you wish to do this at the venue or do-little adjustments during the show. Male models shall bring black stiletto shoes, matching color socks, and black tight pants. Male models shall wear clean male underwear matching your skin tone or black and nude!
Models are responsible for their own model bags (compact size) of small personal belongings, including items which designers may request. Examples of such belongings may be: shoes, thongs, stockings, belts and the like. Except for large hat boxes and laptop bags, no luggage, baggage, backpacks, duffel bags or suitcases are permitted.
Feel free to bring your own marketing tools to promote yourself at the event (compcards, 3-folds, business cards, or flyers) and any desired materials to be placed in 100 VIP bags.
Models are to follow the production staff’s instructions. All Models shall follow The Code of Conduct (Section #23). Models are not to disrespect or talk negatively to or about the Producer, CMG Judges, Participants, or Staff. Failing to do so may result in the immediate dismissal from the current and future show(s) or promotional event(s) and you will be escorted out of the venue or the promotional events by security guards without delay. It is assumed that you have read all the details advised in this document and fully understand all that is stated. You do understand and agree that if you fail to abide by the rules and guidelines of CMG, this will result in the immediate dismissal from the event. - STYLISTS AND MAKEUP ARTISTS
Hairstylists and Makeup artists (MUAs) must arrive at the designated call time, namely prior to 9:00AM. All Stylists and MUAs are responsible for their styling and MUAs kits, light, mirror etc. Stylists and MUAs are responsible for creating the complimentary models’ looks. CMG will not be held responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of styling or MUAs kits etc. Food and beverages are not permitted in the event venue, or backstage at or near hair and makeup stations. Please feel free to use on your own the Restaurant of Venue for your breakfast or lunch. Feel free to bring your own marketing tools to promote yourself at the event (compcards, 3-folds, business cards, or flyers) and any desired materials to be placed in 100 VIP bags. Stylists and MUAs are to follow the production staff’s instructions. All Stylists and MUAs shall follow The Code of Conduct (Section #23). Stylists and MUAs are not to disrespect or talk negatively to or about the Producer, CMG Judges, Participants, or Staff. Failing to do so will result in the immediate dismissal from the show's event and you will be escorted out of the venue or the promotional events by security guards without delay. It is assumed that you have read all the details advised in this document and fully understand all that is stated. You do understand and agree that if you fail to abide by the rules and guidelines of CMG, this will result in the immediate dismal from the event. - PHOTOGRAPHERS AND MEDIA/PRESS
Photographers and/or videographers (in house or visiting) as well as media/press must arrive by the designated call time 9:00AM, not after. Photographers and/or videographers as well as media/press are responsible for the safekeeping of their appurtenances (equipment, lenses, filters, cables, cords and storage media). CMG will not be held responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of said appurtenances (equipment, lenses, filters, cables, cords and storage media). Food and beverages are not permitted in the event venue, or backstage at or near hair and makeup stations and during photoshoots. Please feel free to use on your own the Restaurant of Venue for your breakfast or lunch. Photographers and/or videographers as well as media/press are to follow the production staff’s instructions. Photographers and/or videographers (in house or visiting) as well as media/press shall follow The Code of Conduct (#23). Photographers and/or videographers as well as media/press are not to disrespect or talk negatively to or about the Producer, CMG Judges, Participants, or Staff. Failing to do so will result in the immediate dismissal from the show's event and you will be escorted out of the venue by security guards without delay or the promotional events. It is assumed that you have read all the details advised in this document and fully understand all that is stated. You do understand and agree that if you fail to abide by the rules and guidelines of CMG, this will result in the immediate dismal from the event. If Photographer wishes to publish his her own photos taken Fashion Week venue or scheduled Promotional Photoshoots elsewhere (for instance other Fashion Magazine /Journal), he/she is expected to obtain The Official Permission from The Founder / Company/ The Producer.
Within one week after the show, Photographers and/or videographers (in house or visiting) as well as media/press agree to provide digital copies of all photos taken at the Fashion Week via Google-drive, other routes of delivery to [email protected] Please edit and/or crop the photos as deemed necessary! Remember to submit your photographs A) as high resolution photographs (i.e., 300 DPI or higher) with your (photographer’s) logo blended in in the lower left corner of each photo; and B) as high resolution photographs (i.e., 300 DPI or higher) without any logo inserted. Received photos (A) will be posted in the photo gallery accompanied with the photographer’s name at for sale. Received photos (B) will be used for post-event publications in order to promote the event, and any participants, including photographers. Received photographs and/or videoclips are considered property of the Founder / Company /Event. "Property" means that the Founder, the Company, or the Event will be used photos taken by you, to promote you on our social media and website! After Fashion Magazine/s have been released, you may publish the best photos on your own personal or professional website, in order to promote yourself and the CMG Fashion Show (e.g. CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week). Each participant will have the chance to expand his / her own photo- and video portfolio and may win awards as frequently as she / he appears on all modern social medias (with the most likes), photoshoots, interviews, runways, magazines and press releases. Participants may obtain photographs directly from the photo-gallery The cost per three (3) photograph will be $10.00 (sales taxes not included). The Founder / Company will receive 30%, and the photographer will receive 70% from the revenue of any photographs sold. Please note that the generated revenue does not include sales taxes. Photographer/s with most "LIKES"; "Photos Sold" “Published Photos” will be considered as PHOTOGRAPHER 101 WINNER. Each participant of the photo contest is assisting “the Founder / Company” in the identification of the Most Outstanding Photographer/s/ - I understand that I may be called by The Founder / Company for photo- and video-shoots including preparatory work by organizers and all parties (event partners, designers, models, venue) who will be involved in the event, ads, models training / rehearsals, designers photo-shots / interviews, off-site models’ training sessions and onsite models’ preparation by MUA and hairstylists, and the venue.
- I understand that The Founder / Company is devoted to get my name and contribution across all modern media in all of Company’s “Event” publications, ads, press releases, including but not limited Fashion Magazine/s and website and social media including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. I understand that my name and my photos are subject to publishing. Please note that Editors of these Magazine/s will select the best photographs for publications. Devoted photographers may be nominated for other fashion coverages, nationally and internationally.
- I understand that the Founder / Company/ CMG New York Fashion Week is planning to have several photoshoots and videoshoots in order to demonstrate the concept of the Event/s. I agree to participate at the aforementioned photoshoots and videoshoots if I will be called by The Founder / Company.
- I understand that I will follow Company and “The Event" across social media and share. Tag and hashtag The Producer/ Company on my own social media and will demonstrate my effort and contribution to the event as follows:
The Founder & Producer Dr. Lacie Cupani
CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week
#luxury #Models #designers #hairstylists #MUA #photographers #cmgnycfw #cmgparisfashionweek #cmglafw #cmgdubaifashionweek #NYC #LosAngeles #Atlanta #Houston #Dallas #Chicago #Montreal #Toronto #Paris #London #Dubai #Tokyo #Moscow #Milan #Rome #Sydney #Berlin - Any personal or professional website and/or social media posts - without proper acknowledgement(s) to, or citation(s) of CMG Fashion Week or misleading, false, denigrating, discrediting information relating to either the Founder / Company / Event/ Participants or other Events will be reported to, including but not limited to Instagram or Facebook, and asked to be removed from said website and/or social media outlets without prior notice! You will banned from current and prospective events. Organizers of other events will be notified as well. Furthermore, all your uploaded materials (photos/video) on your personal or professional website and/or social media posts shall be destroyed. You will be asked to compensate the associated cost as an equivalent of the venue cost.
- I understand and agree that I may be photographed / video recorded / interviewed by The Founder / Company in order to promote me, my brand, my involvement and popularity.
- I understand that I may send out messages across all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube etc.) in order to raise awareness about my contribution, participation either in the model casting, model training / rehearsals, and my involvement in the demonstration of collections showcases and events. I understand that my messages across social media will attract my followers, friends and their friends, increase my success when an announcement will be placed by The Founder / Company. My chances to win and succeed will increase if more followers and friends know about my involvement, contribution, and success.
- I agree to represent The Founder / Company and Event/s and myself with the utmost dignity. I agree to show respect to The Founder / Company partners, volunteers, models, designers, media and other participants. The Founder / Company and its partners agree to reciprocate respect.
- I agree to adhere to scheduled calls, and photo and video-sessions, show runways given by The Founder / Company. I will remain in the Ballroom during the Event and dismiss immediately after the event ends. In the event if the participants (Designers, Models, Hairstylist, MUA, Photographer, Entertainer) late, then you unconditionally run the risk being excluded from the event be being late.
- I agree to notify The Founder / Company and coordinators of any issues, conflicts, sicknesses, tardiness, absences that might be detrimental to the production at least 48 hours before a scheduled event.
- The Founder / Company declines any responsibility in the event of medical emergency prior/during/or following fashion show or promotional photo-or videoshoots. All participants who have medical condition/s are responsible for own medical treatment.
- I acknowledge that I am responsible for all of my preparations, travel arrangements, lodging, transportation, and meals. The Founder / Company will not be held accountable. I acknowledge that The Founder / Company is not liable for personal losses, illnesses, and / or injuries to participants during events. I agree to contact the Company / Founder and / or the assigned coordinator directly with any issues that may arise.
- The Founder / Company is not liable and not financially responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged appurtenances (e.g., equipment, tools, photo lenses, filters, camera / laptop bags, habiliments, cables, cords, straps, storage media and the like). I agree not to smoke, vape, chew tobacco, consume recreational drugs, take medications causing drowsiness, or drink any alcoholic beverages shortly prior to, and during preparatory work, the actual event, and post-event photo / video sessions.
- Winner (designer, model, stylist, MUA, photographer) is responsible for purchasing his/her own roundtrip /airplane ticket from and back to his/her point of origin. Winner is also responsible for procuring his/her own travel document (e.g., a valid passport, entry visa if applicable), food, meds, sightseeing gear, city guide book/app, and transportation expenses during the entire trip to and from the fashion site of The Fashion Show either in NYC or Paris France. Winner will need to sign a contract prior to departure. Failure to abide by the provisions listed in the contract may lead to disqualification
- If you are selected as the Overall Winner but cannot attend the CMG Fashion Week show, then you will be required to relinquish all cash and prizes awarded to you. In the event, If the Winner chooses not to participate at the next fashion event where he/she has been invited, CMG reserves the rights to invite the winner next in ranking.
- I have read and understand the expectations in regard to my involvements. I acknowledge that the Founder / Company has the right, at its sole discretion, to add event dates, change schedules and make cancellations. I acknowledge that the Founder / Company has the sole discretion to accept and / or deny my participation in the event of non-compliance to this agreement and has the right to dismiss me from participating due to providing false information, my failure to comply with rules and guidelines. I acknowledge that the Founder / Company has the sole creative control of the event. I accept that all decisions on award recipients, on my make-up look and hairstyle selected by the Founder / Company and I forfeit the right to contend.
- I understand that unauthorized photography / video recordings not pre-approved by the Founder / Company is prohibited backstage, press / media area at event productions. I further understand that products including photography or video recordings are property of the Founder of the Event/s. I may obtain my favorite photos directly from galleries of all participating photographers. Please contact the Founder / Company if you would like to use any photography or video recordings originated from the CMG Fashion Weeks/ Event/s.
- I hereby authorize The Founder / Company to take and publish photographs, interviews, as well as videoclips in the connection with The CMG Fashion Week or scheduled promotional photo- or videoshoots taken prior, during and after the event of myself, and our names and likenesses, for the use in the event's print, online and video-based marketing materials, as well as other publications.
- I am granting a release to allow the Founder, its owner, contractors, agents and guests to record, film, photograph, and / or videotape segments of the "Program" (CMG Worldwide Fashion Week e.g. CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week and Organized Scheduled Promotional Photo-Video-shoots) featuring my likeness, voice, image(s), video(s), flyer (s) and property (the “Material”).
- I have agreed to be photographed and / or video-recorded by the Founder / Company, its owner, successors, heirs, shall own all rights of every kind in said photography, audio and / or video recordings.
- Disqualification forfeits any refund and in addition it also implies a deletion of any video and photographic materials take at, during of following the event.
- I hereby grant the Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees and assign the exclusive, universal, and perpetual right to use my likeness, voice and / or (original or edited) image(s) in connection with and / or as part of the Program for my own advertising, exploiting, promotional, and publicity purposes across all media. I hereby grant the Founder, its owner, successors, heirs, licensees, and assigns from and against any and all claims, causes of action, suits, cost liabilities and damages whatsoever that I now or hereafter may have against them in connection with the Program. I also understand that the content of “Program" is owned exclusively by the Founder / Company and I can use it with the written consent of the Founder / Company.
- I have understood and agreed that the Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees are under no obligation to contact or call any model agencies or other affiliated organizations. I further understand that I shall not apply/register if I'm bound to any contractual agreements with any model agency or other such organization. I'm solely responsible to obtain granted permission originated from model agencies or other organizations if I wish to participate at the CMG Worldwide Fashion Week (e.g. CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week).
- I hereby release and hold harmless the Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and for the minor child and children. Further, I attest that I have full authority to consent and authorize the Founder to use their likenesses and names.
- I further acknowledge that participation is voluntary. I will not receive financial compensation of any kind associated with the taking or publication of my photographs or participation in company marketing materials or other publications. I further acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.
- I hereby release The Founder / Company, its successors, heirs, licensees, producers, contractors, employees and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of Company publications, from liability for any claims by me or any third party in connection with my participation in the events organized by the Founder / Company.
- I attest that electronic signatures of participants (e.g., designers, models, stylists, MUAs, photographers, media/press, judge members, entertainers, partners, interns or other listed) via electronic submission by email of required documents at is considered equivalent to his/her actual physical signature.
- I attest that I have read all the details advised in this Contract- Agreement & Memorandum of Understanding document and fully understand and follow with all that is stated. I do understand and agree that if I fail to abide by any of the stated rules and guidelines, this may result in the immediate dismissal from The CMG Worldwide Fashion Week (e.g. CMG New York Fashion Week / CMG Dubai Fashion Week/ CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week/ CMG London Fashion Week/ CMG Paris Fashion Week) or the scheduled promotional photo- and video-shoots. I ascertain that I have read, understood, and agreed, and follow to the above.