Дизайнер Lacie Cupani Lacie Cupani (Лэси Купани)
Фамилия Cupani происходит от Lathyrus Cupani интенсивно пахнущего цветка-душистого горошка. С 1695, цветки душистого горошка были впервые культивирoваны в Сицилии монахом Francis Cupani, который нашел его в 1695 году. Francis Cupani заботился о ботаническом саде, расположенном в Misilmeri около 9 миль (или 15 км ) от Палермо столицы Сицилии, Италия. До Linnaeus упрощенной номенклатуры растений, Francis Cupani опубликовал в 1696 письменное описание душистого горошка. Francis Cupani наименовал растение “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. В 1699, Francis Cupani отправил семена своему учителю в Англию, и с этого времени Lathyrus Cupani стал культивироваться в Англии и распространился по миру.
Lacie Cupani имеет научные степени: MD (1990) и PhD Кыргызcкая Государственная Медицинская Академия (1998); и MS University of Tokio, Japan (2001). Она занималась научной и преподавательской деятельностью (1993-2012, 2017-18). Cupani организовала Cupani Fashion компанию (2013). Cupani Fashion is Crocheted and Knitted Fashion for The Distinguished!
C 2013, Lacie Cupani Aмериканcкий и Международный дизайнер и CEO Cupani Fashion LLC; Продюсер “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” (2015-16) дизайнерских показов в Кыргызстане и в США; Продюсер CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week, CMG New York & Paris Fashion Weeks Retreats; Меценат; Промоутер IQEdu-Scientific USA инициатив и программ (математика; иностранные языки и чтение; наука и научные программы включая профессии в health careers); Talents & Celebrity Promoter, и Supporter of Orlovski Orphanage (2015-present).
C августа 2015, Лэси с Cupani Fashion Член Международного Жюри The Fashion Designers' and Craft Makers' (FDC) FDC Young Designer Awards Competition в Лондоне, Англия.
В июле 2014, Cupani Fashion “Rainbow Soul” дизайнерскaя линия стала Линией Года, 6-й Little Rock Fashion Week. В декабре 2014, Cupani Fashion была приглашена сделать эксклюзивный дизайн крючком для 1-ой Леди, супруги Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. Эксклюзивный “Sugarplum Blossom“ был сделан для Ms. Susan Hutchinson на инаугурацию Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (10-го января 2015).
В 2014, Cupani организовала Spring-Summer, Fall, Winter серию дизайнерских показов “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” с целью продвижения молодых дизайнеров, моделeй, визажистов, стилистов, певцов, танцоров, блогеров, и фотографов. В 2015 - 2016, Cupani была аплликантом на "Project Runway", USA.
В марте 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Daija Trask стала Моделью 2015 Года Oneofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Lousiana, USA. В июле 2015, две Cupani Fashion Модели Antonieta Suárez (Мексика) и Fior D Santiago Dilone (Пуэрто Рико) разделили $2500 приз на VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, Florida, USA (July 25, 2015); В августе 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Yaskarita Gia Olmos (Боливия) получила статус "Fashion Icon” в Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA). В ноябре 17, 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Brad Clark получил звание EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, в то время как Cupani Fashion Модель Sean Michael получил звание 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida). В 2015, Cupani Fashion дизайнерские показы: Sensuality, Simply The Best, Black & Gold, Pearls, и Lady in Red-The Great Gatsby-21st Century, и Serge прошли в Little Rock (February 14, July 15-18 October 23); Baton Rouge, Lousiana (February 23-28); New York City, New York (April 25); Tampa, Florida (July 25); Fort Smith (October 10-11), London, UK (October 31), Carmel, Indiana (November 6, 2015).
В 2015, Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Young Aspiring Models для молодых моделей желающих получить карьеру моделей и подготовку и международный опыт в моделировании в США и в Лондон, Англии. Модель Arneshya’ Jackson (Little Rock AR, USA) открыла Black & Gold показ в New York City, New York (April 25). Модель Bryana Carter (Convey, AR, USA) выиграла The Eventful Cupidon Model 101, Fall 2015, участие и показ на KARK4/FOX16 телевидении, участие и Travel Award/поездку в Лондон для участия в The FDC Young Designer Awards and the FDC Collections Showcase, London UK, Oct. 31, 2015, и фото-сессии для портфолио моделей и публикаций в журналах мод в США и Англии.
В 2016, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе Viva Mother! Fashion Show (May 7th, 2016), Little Rock, AR, USA; Myrtle Beach Fashion Show, SC, USA (Aug. 4-6, 2016); The Model of The Year, Little Rock, AR, USA (Oct. 22, 2016); Fashion with Surprises, Little Rock, AR (Nov. 26, 2016); 2nd International "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" Contest and Fashion Show (Dec.10, 2016).
В 2017, Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Line 101 Winner; Hairstylist 101 Winner; Makeup Artist 101 Winner; Photographer 101 Winner для желающих получить карьеру и подготовку и международный опыт в New York, Los Angeles, USA; Dubai, UAE; London, UK; & Paris, France.
In 2017-19, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе CMG New York City Fashion Week ; PLITZS New York City Fashion Week, New York, NY, USA; New Orleans Fashion Week (April 18-24, 2017); 2rd International "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" Contest and Fashion Show; Boots & Bowties show.One ofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week; Little Rock Fashion Week.
In 2020-21, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе CMG New York & Paris Fashion Week Retreats in Hot Springs, AR; Fort Walton, FL; White Sands National Park/ Alamogordo, NM; Destin, FL; Las Vegas, NV.
Контактная Информация:
Dr. Lacie Cupani, Designer & CEO, Cupani Fashion
Founder & Executive Producer of CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks
Text/ Telegram: +1-501-749-9479 (USA)
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.cmgworldwidefashionweeks.com
Lacie Cupani Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008143783359
Like and Follow Cupani Fashion @cupanifashion on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram
Cupani Fashion YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWtVeCpextzKHPA0AbOJ9Q
CMG New York City Fashion Week @cmgnycfw on Facebook & Instagram
CMG Paris Fashion Week @cmgparisfashionweek on Facebook & Instagram
CMG Dubai Fashion Week @cmgdubaifashionweek on Facebook
CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week @cmglafw on Facebook
Dr. Lacie Cupani is CEO and Fashion Designer with Cupani Fashion LLC; Celebrities and Talents Promoter; Founder and Executive Producer of CMG World Model of The Year; CMG Retreats; and CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks: CMG Asia Fashion Week, CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG New York Fashion Week on Instagram, CMG Paris Fashion Week; CMG Paris Fashion Week Instagram, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week; Editor in Chief of Amazing Fashion Magazine (San Francisco, CA); and Supporter of Orlovskii Orphanage (36 orphans). Сupani Fashion became Line of the Year in 2014 at the Little Rock Fashion Week (Producer: Brandon Campbell). She dressed many celebrities. In addition, Lacie designed a dress for the 1st Lady Ms. Susan Hutchinson, spouse of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, for his inauguration in January 2015. Cupani was an applicant for "Project Runway", USA (2015-16). Cupani Fashion - Fashion for Distinguished Collections demonstrated nation- and worldwide annually. International and National KARK 4, and FOX 16 TV News were featuring Cupani Fashion.
Lacie's family name "Cupani" originates from Lathyrus Cupani, an intensely scented flower. The flower was first cultivated by Father Francis Cupani who discovered it in 1695. Father Cupani was taking care of the botanical garden in Misilmeri near Palermo, the capital of Sicily, Italy. Before Linnaeus simplified plant nomenclature, Francisco Cupani, published the description of the sweet pea plant in 1696. He named the plant “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. In 1699, he sent some seeds to his teacher in England. Since then, Lathyrus cupani was to be cultivated in England as well. By extension, Lacie Cupani is using flowering crocheting elements in the handmade knitted and crocheted garments.
Dr. Lacie Сupani has an M.D. and Ph.D. in Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Kyrgyz Republic. She also earned an M.S. in International Health from the University of Tokyo, Japan. She was doing research and taught at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (2001-05); UALR (2005-2014); and ATU (2017-18). She published over 70 research articles in leading scientific journals, and the results of her scientific investigations made their way into federal and state grants, as well as patents.
Фамилия Cupani происходит от Lathyrus Cupani интенсивно пахнущего цветка-душистого горошка. С 1695, цветки душистого горошка были впервые культивирoваны в Сицилии монахом Francis Cupani, который нашел его в 1695 году. Francis Cupani заботился о ботаническом саде, расположенном в Misilmeri около 9 миль (или 15 км ) от Палермо столицы Сицилии, Италия. До Linnaeus упрощенной номенклатуры растений, Francis Cupani опубликовал в 1696 письменное описание душистого горошка. Francis Cupani наименовал растение “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. В 1699, Francis Cupani отправил семена своему учителю в Англию, и с этого времени Lathyrus Cupani стал культивироваться в Англии и распространился по миру.
Lacie Cupani имеет научные степени: MD (1990) и PhD Кыргызcкая Государственная Медицинская Академия (1998); и MS University of Tokio, Japan (2001). Она занималась научной и преподавательской деятельностью (1993-2012, 2017-18). Cupani организовала Cupani Fashion компанию (2013). Cupani Fashion is Crocheted and Knitted Fashion for The Distinguished!
C 2013, Lacie Cupani Aмериканcкий и Международный дизайнер и CEO Cupani Fashion LLC; Продюсер “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” (2015-16) дизайнерских показов в Кыргызстане и в США; Продюсер CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG Paris Fashion Week, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week, CMG New York & Paris Fashion Weeks Retreats; Меценат; Промоутер IQEdu-Scientific USA инициатив и программ (математика; иностранные языки и чтение; наука и научные программы включая профессии в health careers); Talents & Celebrity Promoter, и Supporter of Orlovski Orphanage (2015-present).
C августа 2015, Лэси с Cupani Fashion Член Международного Жюри The Fashion Designers' and Craft Makers' (FDC) FDC Young Designer Awards Competition в Лондоне, Англия.
В июле 2014, Cupani Fashion “Rainbow Soul” дизайнерскaя линия стала Линией Года, 6-й Little Rock Fashion Week. В декабре 2014, Cupani Fashion была приглашена сделать эксклюзивный дизайн крючком для 1-ой Леди, супруги Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. Эксклюзивный “Sugarplum Blossom“ был сделан для Ms. Susan Hutchinson на инаугурацию Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson (10-го января 2015).
В 2014, Cupani организовала Spring-Summer, Fall, Winter серию дизайнерских показов “Cupidon is inviting YOU!” с целью продвижения молодых дизайнеров, моделeй, визажистов, стилистов, певцов, танцоров, блогеров, и фотографов. В 2015 - 2016, Cupani была аплликантом на "Project Runway", USA.
В марте 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Daija Trask стала Моделью 2015 Года Oneofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week, Lousiana, USA. В июле 2015, две Cupani Fashion Модели Antonieta Suárez (Мексика) и Fior D Santiago Dilone (Пуэрто Рико) разделили $2500 приз на VIP Exclusive Fashion Show, Tampa, Florida, USA (July 25, 2015); В августе 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Yaskarita Gia Olmos (Боливия) получила статус "Fashion Icon” в Embrace Beauty Magazine (Orlando, Florida, USA). В ноябре 17, 2015, Cupani Fashion Модель Brad Clark получил звание EBM Adult Ambassadors Picks, в то время как Cupani Fashion Модель Sean Michael получил звание 2016 Models Workshop Mentor and Fresh Face EBM (Embrace Beauty Magazine, Orlando, Florida). В 2015, Cupani Fashion дизайнерские показы: Sensuality, Simply The Best, Black & Gold, Pearls, и Lady in Red-The Great Gatsby-21st Century, и Serge прошли в Little Rock (February 14, July 15-18 October 23); Baton Rouge, Lousiana (February 23-28); New York City, New York (April 25); Tampa, Florida (July 25); Fort Smith (October 10-11), London, UK (October 31), Carmel, Indiana (November 6, 2015).
В 2015, Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Young Aspiring Models для молодых моделей желающих получить карьеру моделей и подготовку и международный опыт в моделировании в США и в Лондон, Англии. Модель Arneshya’ Jackson (Little Rock AR, USA) открыла Black & Gold показ в New York City, New York (April 25). Модель Bryana Carter (Convey, AR, USA) выиграла The Eventful Cupidon Model 101, Fall 2015, участие и показ на KARK4/FOX16 телевидении, участие и Travel Award/поездку в Лондон для участия в The FDC Young Designer Awards and the FDC Collections Showcase, London UK, Oct. 31, 2015, и фото-сессии для портфолио моделей и публикаций в журналах мод в США и Англии.
В 2016, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе Viva Mother! Fashion Show (May 7th, 2016), Little Rock, AR, USA; Myrtle Beach Fashion Show, SC, USA (Aug. 4-6, 2016); The Model of The Year, Little Rock, AR, USA (Oct. 22, 2016); Fashion with Surprises, Little Rock, AR (Nov. 26, 2016); 2nd International "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" Contest and Fashion Show (Dec.10, 2016).
В 2017, Lacie c Cupani Fashion инициировала гран-при Travel Awards for Line 101 Winner; Hairstylist 101 Winner; Makeup Artist 101 Winner; Photographer 101 Winner для желающих получить карьеру и подготовку и международный опыт в New York, Los Angeles, USA; Dubai, UAE; London, UK; & Paris, France.
In 2017-19, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе CMG New York City Fashion Week ; PLITZS New York City Fashion Week, New York, NY, USA; New Orleans Fashion Week (April 18-24, 2017); 2rd International "Cupidon is inviting Bishkek!" Contest and Fashion Show; Boots & Bowties show.One ofkind Baton Rouge Fashion Week; Little Rock Fashion Week.
In 2020-21, Cupani Fashion представилa коллекции в ходе CMG New York & Paris Fashion Week Retreats in Hot Springs, AR; Fort Walton, FL; White Sands National Park/ Alamogordo, NM; Destin, FL; Las Vegas, NV.
Контактная Информация:
Dr. Lacie Cupani, Designer & CEO, Cupani Fashion
Founder & Executive Producer of CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks
Text/ Telegram: +1-501-749-9479 (USA)
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.cmgworldwidefashionweeks.com
Lacie Cupani Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008143783359
Like and Follow Cupani Fashion @cupanifashion on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram
Cupani Fashion YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClWtVeCpextzKHPA0AbOJ9Q
CMG New York City Fashion Week @cmgnycfw on Facebook & Instagram
CMG Paris Fashion Week @cmgparisfashionweek on Facebook & Instagram
CMG Dubai Fashion Week @cmgdubaifashionweek on Facebook
CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week @cmglafw on Facebook
Dr. Lacie Cupani is CEO and Fashion Designer with Cupani Fashion LLC; Celebrities and Talents Promoter; Founder and Executive Producer of CMG World Model of The Year; CMG Retreats; and CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks: CMG Asia Fashion Week, CMG New York City Fashion Week, CMG New York Fashion Week on Instagram, CMG Paris Fashion Week; CMG Paris Fashion Week Instagram, CMG Dubai Fashion Week, CMG Los Angeles Fashion Week; Editor in Chief of Amazing Fashion Magazine (San Francisco, CA); and Supporter of Orlovskii Orphanage (36 orphans). Сupani Fashion became Line of the Year in 2014 at the Little Rock Fashion Week (Producer: Brandon Campbell). She dressed many celebrities. In addition, Lacie designed a dress for the 1st Lady Ms. Susan Hutchinson, spouse of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, for his inauguration in January 2015. Cupani was an applicant for "Project Runway", USA (2015-16). Cupani Fashion - Fashion for Distinguished Collections demonstrated nation- and worldwide annually. International and National KARK 4, and FOX 16 TV News were featuring Cupani Fashion.
Lacie's family name "Cupani" originates from Lathyrus Cupani, an intensely scented flower. The flower was first cultivated by Father Francis Cupani who discovered it in 1695. Father Cupani was taking care of the botanical garden in Misilmeri near Palermo, the capital of Sicily, Italy. Before Linnaeus simplified plant nomenclature, Francisco Cupani, published the description of the sweet pea plant in 1696. He named the plant “Lathyrus distoplatyphylos, hirsutus, mollis, magno et peramoeno, flare odoro”. In 1699, he sent some seeds to his teacher in England. Since then, Lathyrus cupani was to be cultivated in England as well. By extension, Lacie Cupani is using flowering crocheting elements in the handmade knitted and crocheted garments.
Dr. Lacie Сupani has an M.D. and Ph.D. in Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Kyrgyz Republic. She also earned an M.S. in International Health from the University of Tokyo, Japan. She was doing research and taught at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (2001-05); UALR (2005-2014); and ATU (2017-18). She published over 70 research articles in leading scientific journals, and the results of her scientific investigations made their way into federal and state grants, as well as patents.
Ms Gulzadakhan Mendibaeva, Co-Organizer, Partner & Sponsor CMG Asia Fashion Week since 2015. Ms. Mendibaeva is businesswomen, and active supporter of Orlovski Orphanage, and Kyrgyz Talents promote worldwide.
Г-жа Гулзадахан Мендибаева, соорганизатор, партнер и спонсор CMG Asia Fashion Week с 2015 года. Г-жа Мендибаева — бизнес-леди и активный сторонник Орловского детского дома, а также продвижения «Кыргызских талантов» по всему миру.
Г-жа Гулзадахан Мендибаева, соорганизатор, партнер и спонсор CMG Asia Fashion Week с 2015 года. Г-жа Мендибаева — бизнес-леди и активный сторонник Орловского детского дома, а также продвижения «Кыргызских талантов» по всему миру.
Филолог, экономист, Преподаватель русского языка КГУ, КТР редактор молодежных программ, экономический обозреватель, возглавлял Пресс службу министерства финансов, и Пресс службу Правителства Кыргызской Республики, и в настоящее время Aктивный Помощник, Советник по экономическому развитию и образованию Cupani Marketing Group (CMG) в Кыргызстане
Duvall Productions is the hosting and the coverage agency around a Globe. We are in business since 2015. We are proudly partnering with CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks in New York City, USA and Paris, France since 2019. We specialized in the coverage of different events including but not limited to weddings, retreats, homecoming, fashion events, weeks, trade shows, educational events, conferences using multi-lingual platforms. Our services also include photography, audio and photo editing, video productions, and interpretation /translation in different languages. We are fluent in English, German, French, Japanese. Follow and book Duvall Productions @duvallproductions on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/duvallproductions/
Duvall Productions is the hosting and the coverage agency around a Globe. We are in business since 2015. We are proudly partnering with CMG Worldwide Fashion Weeks in New York City, USA and Paris, France since 2019. We specialized in the coverage of different events including but not limited to weddings, retreats, homecoming, fashion events, weeks, trade shows, educational events, conferences using multi-lingual platforms. Our services also include photography, audio and photo editing, video productions, and interpretation /translation in different languages. We are fluent in English, German, French, Japanese. Follow and book Duvall Productions @duvallproductions on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/duvallproductions/
Amazing Fashion Magazine (S-Francisco, CA)
Official Media/ Press Partners
Amazing Magazine established in 2017. AMAZING Magazine is dedicated to Beauty, Fashion, Health, Research, and Travel. AMAZING features Fashion Shows and Events, Designers and Brands, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Performers, Entertainers, Doctors (including new innovative treatment or medicine), Scientists - including the latest discoveries that benefit the public - as well as Traveling to the best places to stay and enjoy, exposure, showcasing opportunities, networking, promotion, and publicity. We are promoting every exceptional talent from various backgrounds who wished to be known in the field. CONTACT US if you or your brand, favorite doctor, clinic, treatment or scientific discovery wishes to be seen, heard and known by the public!
Areas of Expertise: Beauty, Fashion, Health, Research, and Travel Consulting; Management; Promotion, and Publicity
Professional Affiliations: High Fashion; Couture; High Fashion Art and Photography; New York Fashion Week; Paris Fashion Week; Dubai Fashion Week; Los Angeles Fashion Week; CMG Retreat
View and purchase Amazing Magazine directly from The Publisher (San, Francisco, CA): San Francisco, California, USA
Like and follow Amazing on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/amazingbyCMG/ and on Instagram at @amazingfashionmagazin
FORMAT: Digital & Print Edition
READERSHIP REACH: ~1,000,000+ (Digital & Print Edition)
EDITIONS: Bi-monthly
Amazing Magazine established in 2017. AMAZING Magazine is dedicated to Beauty, Fashion, Health, Research, and Travel. AMAZING features Fashion Shows and Events, Designers and Brands, Models, Hairstylists, Makeup Artists, Performers, Entertainers, Doctors (including new innovative treatment or medicine), Scientists - including the latest discoveries that benefit the public - as well as Traveling to the best places to stay and enjoy, exposure, showcasing opportunities, networking, promotion, and publicity. We are promoting every exceptional talent from various backgrounds who wished to be known in the field. CONTACT US if you or your brand, favorite doctor, clinic, treatment or scientific discovery wishes to be seen, heard and known by the public!
Areas of Expertise: Beauty, Fashion, Health, Research, and Travel Consulting; Management; Promotion, and Publicity
Professional Affiliations: High Fashion; Couture; High Fashion Art and Photography; New York Fashion Week; Paris Fashion Week; Dubai Fashion Week; Los Angeles Fashion Week; CMG Retreat
View and purchase Amazing Magazine directly from The Publisher (San, Francisco, CA): San Francisco, California, USA
Like and follow Amazing on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/amazingbyCMG/ and on Instagram at @amazingfashionmagazin
FORMAT: Digital & Print Edition
READERSHIP REACH: ~1,000,000+ (Digital & Print Edition)
EDITIONS: Bi-monthly